Chapter 8)

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The door bell rang, I wonder if it's my mom or my dad, probably my mom. 

"Hey Dimi can you get that, I still have some final touches to do." I hollered out to Dimitri, where he was no doubt reading a Western, he had been done for the last half hour.

"Sure thing." He yelled back.

I quickly sprayed on perfume and hurried out to the main room. My mom and Dimitri were exchanging hello's as I strolled in. Dimitri's smile widened at the site of me. I am wearing a knee length simple black dress, which showed off all of my bodacious curves. If you have 'em why not show 'em off? 

My mother was the first to respond "Hi Rosemarie." uh oh, that can't be a good sign. The look on her face proved my suspicion. "I see your looking lovely as usual." my mother added with sarcasm. Why must she always act as though I'm doing a lap dance, I don't look that slutty, or even slutty at all.

I soon felt strong arms around my waist as if to say, don't start now, this isn't the time. His arms calmed me, for the moment. 

"Why thank you mom, I love this dress it's my favorite" I said the favorite with attitude. Those arms tightened. 

"Oh Rose, you never change." She added emphasis to never, as if I should change. I felt Dimitri lean down and kiss my ear, trying to calm me down. My mother's eyes narrowed at the sight of that.

Abe let himself in our home, and interrupted the cat fight I was having with my mother, the one Dimitri was trying, and failing to stop. He took one look at us and said "I see you guys have already gotten to talking, what did I miss?"

Dimitri shot Abe a look that said help me! Abe appeared to take the hint.

"Oh Janine, you look as beautiful as always." my dad said practically pleading for her to calm down. My mother didn't even dress up that much, she looked practical not pretty. She is wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt. Goodness, I thought I told her it was going to be at the Bistro, that's a very nice restaurant. hrmph.

My mother smiled, "Why thank you Abe, you look handsome as always." That is the first true thing one of my parents has said since they arrived. My dad went all out as usual. He is wearing a black and grey pinstriped suit with a pink undershirt, tie, handkerchief, and a gray fedora hat with a pink band. Zmey always looks like a million bucks. 

Dimitri clasped his hands together and said "Well, we should get going to dinner, I'm getting kinda hungry."

"Yeah,  Dimitri is right, we should get going." I added.

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