Two Girls

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Roxy walked into her dorm, dropped the books she was caring beside the bed. Then she sat down, and waited. What she was waiting for, was the tears. The tears she knew were supposed to come. She looked around her new dorm. The curtains were closed, making it quite dark, and it was completely bare except for the twin bed she was sitting on and the small desk in the corner. Outside she could hear the rain beating down. Well if I am going to cry she thought, now would be a good time to do it, before my new roomies get here, they should be coming later today. 

Roxy, really did have reason to be as miserable as she was. Three weeks ago her mother had died, leaving her an orphan and in the care of her great-aunts. Her great-aunts were sweet old ladies, but they did not have the time or patience  to be caring for a seventeen year old girl, so they had enrolled her in High Hill Boarding Academy. When they enrolled her it was too late to apply for a dorm, so now she was in an overflow housing unit, with eight guys and only one other girl. She was alone and out of her element. 

Her aunts had shipped her off as soon as they could, which was two and half weeks before classes started. She had only seen two other people on on campus so far, a girl named Bella Bliss and her boyfriend Alex Winsdor. Bella Bliss was the kind of girl who parents fell in love with on sight, like a way too proper, designer clothes wearing, sucks-up to everyone barbie doll. She was also the kind of girl that Roxy happened to hate. Alex was a charming and handsome junior, and if he wasn’t dating Bella, Roxy would totally be all over him. 

The bad weather had kept her indoors, and she spent most her time in the Library. She read a little, and cried a lot. Even on the days when the sun was shinning, she still sat in the back of the Library. She was fine with doing this, but just reading and crying is never a good thing, and she had started to grow pale. 

Before she had time to cry even a single tear, she heard girl’s voice, with a very distinct southern draw.

“Hello? Anybody here yet?” 

She walked out of her room at the end of the hall on the second floor, and made her way to the stairs. Standing at the bottom was a petite girl, with curly blonde hair and skin that was as tan as a beach.

“Well hey there,” the girl said looking at Roxy, “You must be my girl roomie! Did you hear the rest of them are boys?”

“I did,” she said quietly and quickly.

“I’m Phoebe. What’s your name?”


“Okay then Roxy! Let me go drop my bags off, then I’ll make us some lunch and we can have some girl time before the blokes get here,” she said. She up the stairs past Roxy, and down the hall caring her three bright pink duffle bags and a lime green backpack. 

The good thing about the overflow house, was that it was a house, not a dorm. It was basically a medium sized house, with five bedrooms on the 2nd and five on the 3rd. The first floor was just what you’d expect to find in a house, a kitchen, a living room, and a dinning room. It even had a trapdoor that led to a rather spacious basement. When Phoebe came back down she was caring one of her pink duffle bags. She opened it up and started loading groceries she had brought with her into the fridge.

“I learned to do this last year, you wanna bring your groceries with you. When you get there you are gonna be so tired, and the cafeteria hardly has any food until classes start, which is in three days so you have to be prepared until then,”

“If you went here last year, why are you in overflow housing?” Roxy asked. She was sitting on the wooden counter watching Phoebe load bag after bag of groceries into the fridge. 

“Well last year it was all girls, and let me tell you, it was the best thing ever! We were like a mini sorority! We had parties every weekend and it was just the best, but most of them graduated or found roommates. I thought maybe a few would stick around, so I didn’t register for a dorm, so now I’m here with you and the boys,”

“Oh, well hopefully we can have a little fun,” Roxy said smiling. Before her mother had passed, she had been a party girl. She had been the kind of girl who didn’t care about much, and lived for the night. 

“Hopefully,” she said, putting the last of her groceries away, “These boys are going to know how to party!” 

Roxy laughed, “Boys never know how to party until a girl shows him,” 

Phoebe laughed and then agreed, “That sure is the truth,”

“So,” Roxy spoke as Phoebe stood up and closed the door of the fridge, “What do you know about Alex?”

“Alex? As in Alex Winsdor?” she asked, looking at Roxy like she crazy.


“Oh honey,” she said looking at Roxy like she was a sick puppy, “He’s sweet, but he’s dating Bella,”

“I know,” Roxy said calmly.

“Well then don’t you know that she will murder you for even thinking about him?” she asked. Roxy was about answer her when the heard laughing in the hall. The walked out of the kitchen to see who it was when they saw seven boys. All caring several bags, and all laughing about something one of them had said.

Eight Roomies (An Modern Adaption Of Eight Cousins)Where stories live. Discover now