Chapter Six

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I got to Ihop in my black PT Cruiser, and Jack was waiting outside of the building for me. I got out of the car and greeted him with a hug. "Woah, hey Grace! I take it you got the flowers I sent last night?" he hugged me back. "Yeah, they're really pretty. How did you know I liked white daisies?" I looked up at him. "I, uh... I asked Charlie." he admitted, with a little laugh. "That's okay, it was still very sweet. Now, let's go eat breakfast. I'm starving." I clutched my stomach. "Yeah, so am I." he agreed. We walked inside and this short red-headed girl showed us to our seats, then she gave us our menus. "What would you guys like to drink this morning?" she asked. "I think an iced coffee would be good." I said. "Make that two." Jack said. "Okay, I'll go get those for ya right now." she said. She walked away, and I looked at my menu. "Ugh, this is such a tough decision! Everything sounds so good." I groaned. "I usually go with the three blueberry pancakes and maple syrup." he said. "I think I'll go with those new birthday pancakes." I said. "The ones with sprinkles and vanilla ice cream on top?" he asked. "Yes." I nodded. We both set our menus down and looked at each other. "So, did you go back to the party after you brought me home?" I asked. "Nope. I went home and passed out, but apparently it got pretty wild after we left. Finn was still cleaning the backyard the next morning." he chuckled. "Are you serious? How did you know?" I asked. "He ca-"

"Here's your drinks, guys. Did you decide what you want to eat?" the same girl came back and gave us our drinks. "I will have three blueberry pancakes, and for the lady... a stack of birthday pancakes." Jack smiled at me. "Okay, I'll be right back with those." she walked off again. "Ugh, I hope she gets back with those quick. I feel like my stomach is going to eat itself." I drank my iced coffee. "You and me both." he sighed. "But anyway, what were you saying about Finn?" I asked. "What about Finn?" he looked up at me. "We were talking about him." I said. "Oh, right! He came over the other day to check on me because I left early, to make sure I was okay." he put his chin in his hand. "Aw, your brother's so good to you." I smiled. "Yeah, I know. We may fight a lot, but at the end of the day... we love each other." he said. "Yeah, you guys are family. That's what it's really about." I reached out and touched his hand. "Exactly, and what about you and Charlie?" he asked. "He drive me nuts sometimes, but I love him." I shrugged. "I think all siblings are that way." he laughed. "Yeah, but you and Finn are twins! I think being related to someone who you get mixed up with all the time would be a little annoying." I said. "It can be, but our personalities are completely different." he said. "I know. That's usually how I tell you two apart. And also Finn's a little taller, and your facial features are a bit different." I said. "And I'm cuter right?" Jack bit his lip. "Yes, of course." I nodded. 


Jack and I got our pancakes, and we just ate and talked. "Mm, these are really good! Do you want to try a piece?" I offered it to him. "Sure." he said. He took the piece off of my fork and put it in his mouth. "Oh my god, I'm in heaven! That is a damn good pancake." he said, with his mouth full. "Isn't it? We might have to come back here more often for our breakfast dates." I chuckled. "You want to have more breakfast dates?" he asked. "Well, yeah! I mean, not all the time but every so often. I think breakfast dates have a very sweet, romantic feel." I smiled. "I think making it for someone is even better." he said. "Well, I've never been out on a breakfast date before. I just think it's really nice." I said. "Well, I think any time I get to spend with you is nice." he smiled softly. "Wow, you are really laying on the charm this morning." I looked at him. "Yeah, I guess I am. Is it working?" he asked. "Yep, I am definitely charmed." I admitted. "Good. That means I'm doing my job correctly." he chuckled. "I agree. You are definitely doing your job well." I nodded.

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