Chapter Fourteen

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Max and I were laying down in bed after we, uh... did it again, and we've been having sex a lot lately. But that's not all I want to do anymore. "Max?" I said. "What, Finn?" he looked at me. "I-I don't think I can do this anymore." I sat up. "Wh... what do you mean?" he asked. "I like you as more than a friend, and I don't just want sex." I said. "Shit, I knew this would make things complicated." he sighed. "I'm sorry Max. I guess I cau-"

"No, don't say that." he shook his head. "I"m sorry, but it's true. If it wasn't, I wouldn't be saying this right now." I said. "I can't do this right now, Finn." Max put his head in his hands. "Do you care about me, Max? Like at all?" I asked. "Of course I do!" he exclaimed. "Then you'll at least think about what I said and get back to me when you've made a decision." I got up out of bed. "Decision on what?" he asked. "I think you know. I'll see you later." I said. I got my clothes and put them on. "Alright, I'll see ya." he said. I opened the bedroom door and walked out, and I was just about to leave. "Finn, wait a second!" Max ran out. "Hm?" I looked back at him. "Are you saying I have to choose between a relationship and being just friends with you?" he asked. "Yes." I nodded. "Well, that's going to be tough, but... I'll call you." he said. "Okay, bye." I said. I walked out of the house and shut the door. I asked Jack to give me advice on this and he just told me to go with my gut, so that's what I did. I decided to call him and tell him how it went. "Hello?" he picked up after the third ring. "Hey Jack." I said. "Oh, hi Finn. What's up?" he asked. "Do you remember when I asked you for advice on what to do with Maxwell a couple of weeks ago?" I asked. "Yeah, of course." he said. "Well, I talked with him about that today. Not too long ago actually." I said. "Oh, really? How'd that go?" Jack asked. "Well, I told him we could either have a relationship or just go back to being only friends. Then I told him to call me and let me know when he's made a decision." I sighed. "I think that's a very brave thing you did, bro. I'm proud of you." he chuckled. "Thanks. I just wish I didn't feel so shitty about it." I said. "I understand. Doing something like that without feeling any kind of emotion i-is hard." he said. "Yep, it's definitely a lot harder than I expected." I admitted. "It'll get easier... once you both figure out what you want." he said. "Yeah, that's true. You are so good at this Jack. You always know what to say." I smiled. "Oh... well, I try." he chuckled. "Well, you don't have to try very hard. I think you're just naturally good at giving advice." I said, with a little laugh. "Aw, thanks. But I gotta go. I'll talk to you later, Finn." he said. "Alright, bye Jack." I said. He hung up, and I put my phone back in my pocket. I walked back to my flat and unlocked the door, then I went inside. I took my black Toms off by the door, then went into my room. I got a fresh change of clothes from my dresser (a black galaxy t-shirt, blue jeans and red plaid boxers), then went into the bathroom and got a towel from the cabinet. I set my clothes down on the toilet and took my old clothes off, then just left them on the floor. I stepped into the shower and turned it on. I sang to myself while I wet my hair, and I just tried to quiet my thoughts. I washed my hair using Old Spice shampoo, then I washed it out. "Oh... my gosh." I sighed. After I finished washing my body, I turned the shower off and got out. I dried my hair and body and got dressed, then I went into the living room. I turned on the TV and sat down on the couch, then I turned on my Xbox. I put the controller in my lap, then picked it up. My favorite game Dead Island was already in there, so I decided to play it. "Alright, I'm going to kick some zombie ass! Let's give them a taste of their own medicine." I laughed. I found an empty car and got inside it, then I started driving and ran over a few zombies along the way. Now, I don't like to brag... but I'd say I'm pretty good at driving in games like this. "Alright, I'm going to do what needs to be done." I said.

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