Chapter Sixteen

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-Saturday Afternoon-

Grace and I were playing in the park since she got back from her visit in Seattle yesterday, and we were playing on the big slide. "So, how was Seattle?" I asked. "Still the same. Beautiful, a little crazy, busy." she chuckled. "Who did you see?" I looked at her. "My cousin Norman, aunt Lydia... all the people in my family who couldn't come to my birthday party, and a couple of my friends." she said. "Oh, I see. Do you want to play on the swings now?" I suggested. "Yeah, let's do it." Grace nodded. We went over to the swings and sat down next to each other, then we started swinging. "It's been so long since I've been to the park just to play." she laughed. "Same here." I said. I tried to go higher than her, but she just kept pumping her legs and getting higher. "Damn, you're going really high!" I exclaimed. "I know, it's so much fun. Should I jump off?" she looked at me. "Only if you want to." I chuckled. "Alright, here I go!" she said. She jumped off and fell to the ground a few moments later, and she held onto her foot. "Oh my god, Grace! Are you alright?" I ran over by her side. "No, I-I think I just broke my toe!" she groaned. "C-can you move them?" I asked. I looked at her foot, and her second and third toes were all bruised up and swollen. "No, it hurts too much to move them." she shook her head. I carefully unbuckled her left black gladiator sandal, then slid it off. "Here, hold this." I said. I gave her the sandal, then slid one of my arms around her waist and put the other underneath her legs. "Here, put your arms around me." I said. She wrapped her arms around my neck, then I picked her up and carried her to the car. She reached out and opened the door, and I carefully set her down in the passengers seat. She closed the door herself, then I got in and started the car. I drove up sixth street to the Essex/Greater London Hospital, and I turned on the radio. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga started playing, and I couldn't help but sing along. "You like Lady Gaga?" Grace gave me a funny look. "Yes, I love Lady Gaga. But it's kind of a guilty pleasure of mine, so don't tell anyone." I said. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." she gently squeezed my hand.


We got to the hospital, and one of the doctors checked out Grace's toes. "Yeah, those are definitely broken, but we can't put a cast on that. You'll just have to use crutches for awhile, and they should heal up on their own." Dr. Weiss said. "Oh, great. How long will that take?" she sighed. "A few months at the most. I'll go get you a pair of crutches." she touched her arm. She walked out of the room, so Grace and I were alone. "Oh, this is just great. I'm going to be on crutches for the next few months." she put her head in her hands. "It's okay, Grace. You'll still be able to do all the things you did before, just in a slower and more awkward fashion. And if you want, I'll help you out." I kissed her cheek. "Thank you." she looked up at me. Dr. Weiss came back with a pair of crutches and helped Grace use them. "Ah, perfect. It looks like you're good to go." she said. "Thanks." Grace said. "No problem. Have a good day, guys." she said. "You too." I said. I helped Grace up, and we got back to the car, then I started driving back to her house. "Ugh, my foot is killing me." she groaned. "It probably will for awhile, but I think an ice pack would help." I said. It took about twenty minutes to bring her home, and I parked in her driveway. "Do you want to come in for a bit?" she asked me. "Yeah, sure." I nodded. I got out of the car and went around to the other side to wait for her. "Do you need some help, love?" I asked. "No, I got this." she sighed. She opened up the door and got out of the car with the help of her crutches, then we both went up to the door. I opened it for her and she walked (for lack of a better term at the moment) inside first. I sat down after taking my shoes off by the door, then put her feet up on my legs after sitting. "Ah, I could get used to this." she sighed comfortably. "Heh, I don't mind." I leaned over and kissed her forehead.

My Beating Heart (Jack Harries)Where stories live. Discover now