Chapter Fifteen

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I was laying in bed with my cat Luna, and I just couldn't sleep. I had a random nightmare, and I'm having a difficult time getting back to sleep. "Oh, crap... I'm going to get a late night snack." I sighed. I got up out of bed and opened the bedroom door, then I walked into the kitchen. I looked in the fridge, but there was nothing in there, so I looked in the cupboard. I took out a container of pizza-flavored Pringles and snacked on those. I heard Luna meow softly and she rubbed up against me, and I looked down at her. "Hey there, cutie. Do you want to go outside with me for awhile? Hm?" I bent down and scratched the top of her head. "Alright, let's go." I said. I walked up to the door and opened it, and Luna walked out. I shut the door behind me, then sat down on the patio. She sat down by me and her tail twitched back and forth. "Ah, just take it all in. This is the time of night that's most beautiful. The moon's the highest, the sky's the clearest and the stars are so bright." I sighed. I opened the container and popped a few crisps in my mouth. "Mm, did you know that you're named after the moon?" I said. She looked up at me and I scratched under her chin, and she purred softly. "Yep, luna means moon. I don't know why they named you that, though. You're not white or silver. Maybe it's your eyes? I guess it somehow fits you." I shrugged. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of the night: crickets chirping, the occasional car rushing by, owls hooting. The only thing that could make this night better is having Grace by my side, but she's visiting some family in Seattle, where she used to live. She's going to be there til Saturday, and it's only Tuesday. Luna got on my lap and curled up, and I sighed comfortably. She seems to like Grace too, so that's kind of a plus I guess. She'd always curl up in her lap or lay next to her during those times when she'd come over to watch movies with me. "Yeah, Grace Louise Carroll is definitely something special. Every time she comes around, I just feel so happy. I really wasn't expecting this to happen, especially with my best friend, but... I'm in love. God, it feels so good to say that." I laughed. Luna looked up at me, and I scratched the top of her head. "I hope Finn gets the same thing with Max. I mean... I know they're just having sex, but I think they feel something for each other. Whatever they decide, I'm sure they'll both be very happy." I said. I ate a few more crisps, and I just wanted to go inside and try to go back to sleep. "Come on, Luna. Let's go back inside." I yawned. I picked her up and went back inside, then locked the door. I walked into my room, laid down in bed and just passed out.


I woke up at 9:30 a.m., and walked into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. Luna was already eating some food out of her bowl, and I looked at her for a minute. I was just about to look for something to eat in the cupboard, but then my phone vibrated on the counter. I looked at it, and Grace finally called, so I picked it up. "Hi, love." I smiled. "Hey baby, how are you?" she asked. "Well... I just got up, but I'm great otherwise. How are you?" I asked. "Tired, but other than that I'm alright." she yawned. "Yeah. Isn't it, like... one thirty there?" I asked. "In the morning? Yeah, I guess I'm still used to the time zones out there. And I have trouble sleeping in any other bed that isn't my own." she sighed. "Yeah, I understand that." I chuckled. "And I kind of miss you already." Grace whispered. "I miss you too... kind of." I whispered as well. I put her on speaker so I could find something to eat for breakfast. "So, what are you up to now?" she asked. "Finding something to eat for breakfast. What about you?" I asked. I grabbed a chocolate muffin from a box, then put the box back in the cupboard. "Just laying in bed." she said. I also got a glass of chocolate milk to wash the muffin down with, then sat down at the kitchen table. "You should at least try to get some sleep." I said. "Yeah, I guess so. I'll talk to you later, Jack. I love you." she said. "I love you too Grace." I smiled. She hung up, and I put my phone down so I could finish eating breakfast. 

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