23 :: Movie

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A week has passed since that night at the park. Instead of going to Dr. Bolton's twice a week, Taehyung went everyday. We were going through things step by step instead of rushing like we had done before. Things were starting to look brighter and better every step of the way.

"Hoseokie hyung.."


"Would you mind getting a six pack on your way home later? I want to watch this newly released movie on Netflix with you,"

"You mean coke, right? And please don't tell me this new movie is Conjuring 2.."

"Yes, coke. Obviously I can't take alcohol. And yes, it's Conjuring 2,"

The evil smile on his face made me want to punch him. Okay, so maybe not really punch him physically, but mentally, I want to screw his face onto the glass screen of the television at our apartment and tell him to watch that horror movie himself.

"You know I can't watch horror movies, so no," I stated as I walked away slowly from our lockers. With my backpack slung behind me and my files and textbooks in my hands, I moved swiftly through the crowds, trying to blend in when someone gently pulled my wrist and made me turn to face them.

"Please, hyung? I promise that it'll be fun," Taehyung had on a pout, which made him look even younger than he was. I swear if I wasn't already in love with this guy, I would have fallen for him all over again. I was so tempted to give in, but since horror movies weren't my forte, I did my best to reject his movie offer.

Shaking my hand, I shrugged my wrist from his hold. "No, Tae. If you want to watch it, watch it yourself. I hate horror, you know that," I stood my ground firmly. Knowing that he would not be able to win this argument, he huffed and walked away, leaving me to walk to my next class.


Throughout the entire day, I have seen nothing but sticky notes with Taehyung's writing everywhere. Our lockers, my lunch box, my textbooks, my files, my bag.. You name a place and you'll find a sticky note there. There were even students who passed sticky notes to me. How embarrassing! My guess is that they've read the notes since they were red-faced and were hesitant to hand them to me.

I'm pretty sure you all know by now what those sticky notes contain. Yup, sweetened words, hearts and kisses to persuade me to watch that damn movie. I was so close to giving in, but I resisted. I knew that if I stand firm my ground, I would not be forced to watch that stupid movie.

Seriously, were horror movies that good? What's the point of watching them if you're just going to scare yourself senseless and can't sleep at night? That doesn't sound like enjoying life to me. It sounds like throwing away your own sanity to believe in something that doesn't exist. Well, maybe they do exist, but who knows.


And in the end, the odds were not in my favor. I hate being me sometimes. Why did I have to give in so easily? Why?

The movie was loading and Taehyung and I were seated on our apartment's sofa. It was one of the most comfortable sofa we saw at Ikea so we got it straight away and threw the tattered one that the previous owner had placed. It was so spacious and we were both sitting in the middle. I sat cross-legged and had the popcorn bowl in my lap while Taehyung sat with his legs on the coffee table.

"I hate you. Why'd you have to drag me into this?"

"Hey, don't blame me, hyung. I was about to give up when you came up to me at the end of school and told me you were going to watch it,"

My cheeks felt hot all of a sudden. I only gave in because he did held a huge and embarrassing sign during soccer practice. My teammates started to point and laugh and tease me, which got onto my nerves, so I immediately went and told him I'd watch it if he would stop waving the stupid sign.

"Let's just watch this stupid movie," I said as the opening credits began.

We were halfway through the movie and I was scared senseless. Taehyung, however, was aggressively shouting beside me to the characters of the movie to not go into the room or run to get help or something along the lines of that. The popcorn was already finished and I was currently sitting with my knees held towards my chest and my hands covering my eyes with slits so I could at least watch part of the movie. Listening to it was already bad enough, but watching it made it way worse.

It was currently the scene where the parents woke up to their daughter crying and screaming for help. She was being caught by something behind the door and the parents are unable to push the door open. They couldn't even grab onto her flapping hand. It was all of a sudden when that something pulled the daughter into the room and the screaming became louder. I jumped and reflexively turned to hide in Taehyung's side.

"Hyung, are you alright?"

I nodded and gestured for him to continue the movie and not mind me. He clicked play on the movie and the screams filled the room, causing me to tense up and press my face into his arm more. The screaming slowly started to die down and the rushing of the parents made me feel dizzy. I looked up and saw Taehyung staring at me worriedly.

"It's okay. I'm okay. Just continue with the movie,"

"No, I'm sorry I dragged you into this. You seem tired, even. You can go to bed if you want, hyung. I'll just finish this and then head to my room,"

"Are you serious? I can't sleep even if I go to my room now.."

Taehyung said nothing and I went back to pressing my face in his arm. Not a minute has passed before his arms enclosed around me and pulled me down and placed his head on my lap. I could feel my cheeks redden as he smiled down at me and ran a hand through my hair.

"Now, hyung, go to sleep. I'll protect you if the scary monsters come. Grr.."

I playfully hit him with the pillow next to me as he teased me. He laughed and turned to watch the movie. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the sound of the television, focusing only on the feel of Taehyung's hand running through my hair. Slowly, I drifted off to dreamland. Before I lost all my consciousness, I felt warm lips on my forehead briefly before muttering 'sweet dreams'.

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