24 :: Love

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Words could not describe the warm feeling in my arms when I woke up this morning. As the light from the window shines in, my eyes start to flutter open and I was greeted with the sight of a sleeping Taehyung. I don't know how we had gotten into my room, but I was glad because he felt warm and the warmth from his body made me feel safe.

But, of course, we didn't do what everyone else was thinking. We were fully clothed and just plain sleeping, of course. His arms were wrapped around my waist and his face buried in my messy brown hair. I didn't dare move, even if I needed to head for the toilet badly. I didn't want to ruin Taehyung's peaceful sleep. When we were young, we often had sleepovers at his tree house back in Korea, but of course, we didn't sleep together like this. We used sleeping bags and often complained about the mosquitoes biting us. Nevertheless, we continued our weekly routine until we entered high school, where our tree house looked as though it was for little kids, so we renovated the tree house into something more fresh and had teen vibes.

"Mm, morning, hyung. What were you thinking about?"

I snapped out of my trance and turned to glance at a groggy Taehyung. Smiling, "I was thinking of our tree house back at Korea. I wonder if your dad had dismantled it,"

"Tree house? It's still there, I guess. My siblings are using them," He hugged me tighter into him and I could feel my cheeks redden. To hide my embarrassment, I closed my eyes and buried my face into his chest.

"You know, hyung. I've been thinking about a lot lately. And there are many things that I want to do after our courses end,"

My eyes snapped open. How could I have forgotten? It has been almost two years since we were transferred to London for the Student Exchange Program and we would be graduating in two months time. After all that has happened, I had forgotten all about graduation and our move back to Korea.

"First, I want to tour around the world. Take a rest from society for maybe a year. Next, I want to find a job, possibly one at our local hospital or clinic back in Korea. Then maybe after that, I might pay a visit home. Of course, home would always be first. But time will fly by quick and I want to be able to properly finance my family before I return,"

I tensed. His plans were made and I was still blank. Yes, I'll be graduating college in two months but what happens after that? I will have a degree then, but what shall I do? A choreographer for some entertainment company? Or perhaps open up my own dance studio? So many choices yet I had nothing planned. Possibly, like what Tae said, I might return home first. Since I haven't seen them in two years, it would be great if I could spend some time with them.

"That's great. I wish you luck, Tae. Whenever you're in a rough situation, you have to remember that I will be here, supporting and cheering you on, okay?"

"Huh? What are you saying, hyung?"

I turned and looked at him, confused. Surely he didn't want me involved in his plans, right?


Taehyung's hold on me tightened and I was literally pushed up against his face. We were eye to eye and staring at one another. His eyes held determination and perhaps.. passion?

"I don't want you to be supporting me from the sidelines, hyung. I want you to be by my side,"

"What are you saying?"

Taehyung sighed deeply before lifting his hand and brushed a stray strand of hair away from my face. The gesture seemed so simple, yet it was killing me inside.

"What I'm trying to say is that I want you to come with me. I want you to be by my side. I want you to be with me when I tour around the world. I want you to be home to greet me when I return from work. I want to eat your horrible cooking. I want to be in a bed, lying next to you. I just.. I just want to be with you,"

What? What was he going on about?

"I love you, hyung. There, I said it. Oh gosh, why do I feel like I'm going to die of embarrassment?"

I could feel my cheeks flush a deep pink. Taehyung was turned away and his face was red too. I wiggled out of Taehyung's tight hold and cupped his cheeks, making him have no choice but to face me. The warmth surged through my palms and went down my spine, causing me to shiver a little but I didn't care. Slowly, I leaned down and planted my lips on his for a short second.

Clearly shocked, Taehyung was frozen when I pulled away and slumped back down onto the bed with my hands covering my face, embarrassed at my own action.


I felt shuffling beside me and Taehyung towering over me as he slowly pulled my hands away from my face. I looked up into his eyes as he lifted a hand to cup my cheek. His touch felt soft and warm and I was melting from the inside out.

And before I could respond, his lips were all over. From my forehead, to my cheek, to my jaw, to my neck, to my collarbone and everywhere apart from my lips. I felt kind of frustrated but I stood my ground and stayed patient. And my patience paid off, because after one last kiss on my forehead, he looked into my eyes and smiled before planting his lips on mine.

To say that I was in Heaven would be an understatement. I was melting, literally melting inside and outside. Fireworks were over my head and my heart was pumping really fast. It was our first real kiss and he was slow yet passionate, teasing a little here and there. I mentally smirked, guess his experience with girls paid off. But obviously, I was no girl. So why?

"I love you, hyung. Gosh, I've been wanting to say it for so long now. Ever since that day at the park, I started to think things through and with therapy, I was able to think clearly with what I want. And what I want is you, hyung. I love you. I love you. You have no idea how many times I want to say that to you starting from now on,"



"Shut up,"

"Is that an 'I love you, too', hyung?"

I blushed. Surely it was already obvious, right? Like, come on, he had already known even before all this happened.


"I-I love you, Kim Taehyung,"

"And I you, hyung,"

He leaned down and planted his lips on mine once more, this time taking his time to make me breathless and senseless. Love. He loved me. I loved him. We both loved each other. Did it make sense?

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