10 :: Ellie

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The first half of the day's classes were over. I received my results for my past tests, which I took online, and were disappointed. Maybe it was due to my emotional stress because my results were a grade or two down than usual. Sighing, I stuffed my papers into my bag and walked towards the cafeteria for lunch.

"Hoseok! Hey, Hoseok!"

Startled, I stopped and turned when a small figure bumped into my chest, causing me to take a small step back. Steadying the girl by holding onto her arms tightly, I smiled at the blushing girl in front of me.

"Was there something you needed to tell me, Layla?"

Layla, my dance partner, was a small and petite girl. Shorter than girls her age, she's a confident girl who rarely gets embarrassed, unless it was me, of course. I knew she had developed a crush over the months we were partners and she's hinted it a few times, but I've either ignored it or change the subject. Stringing her along and playing with her feelings is bad, so I vowed to never do it.

"Well, it's the school's annual Fall dance this Saturday and I was wondering if you would like to go with me?"

My smile wavered but never dropped. Her eyes sparkled as she looked up and into mine, she was a beautiful and amazing girl and I could not bear the responsibility of leading her on. So I bent down to her height and brushed her hair from her face.

"Sorry, Layla. I don't want to be a bad person and lead you on. I like you, but as a friend. You need to know that, okay? I may reject you, but I hope we can still be friends. There's plenty of fishes in the sea apart from me, maybe you should find some other fish and not me,"

I smiled and ruffled a hair before leaving, heading towards the cafeteria. I thought I was only leaving a heartbroken Layla behind, but I left more than that.

* * *

"Tae, you alright? You've been out of it since we both sat down with lunch,"

He nodded, indicating he was alright, but I didn't trust him. Since he studies psychology, it's easy for him to pretend he was alright like the people he observes for class. On his tray was a ham and egg sandwich with a carton of banana milk and sliced fruits, all untouched while mine was halfway gone. Thinking that he still wasn't over the fact that he and Ellie had broke up, I decided to stay quiet and finish the rest of my lunch. It was quiet and peaceful between us until the devil herself stepped near our table and called for Taehyung.

"Taehyung, can I talk to you?"


I watched as Taehyung got up from his seat and stood in front of her. I could tell that he wanted to go somewhere quiet to talk but it seemed that Ellie wanted everyone to know what she was going to say because she broke into a smirk and crossed her arms as she looked at Taehyung like he had grown a second head.

"Did you really think that I would fall for an idiot like you? I only befriended and dated you because of a stupid dare by my friends. An idiot who studies psychology? Where can you go with that major after you graduate? The asylum? Don't bluff me, Taehyung. I need a guy who can support me and tend to my needs. You're just a weak nerdy guy. Face it, you won't be able to find a girl anytime soon since you're a nerd. Bye, Taehyung. Oh and Tae? I'm not going to return your gifts, let me keep them as a souvenir of winning the bet, yeah?"

And with that, Ellie strode off to her group of friends and her boyfriend, Mark Charlton, leaving Taehyung standing like an idiot while everyone in the cafeteria pointed fingers and whispered. Angry, I slammed my hands on the table, shocking everyone, before grabbing both Taehyung and I's bags and pulled him out of the cafeteria.

Stupid Ellie. I should have known something was up with her. She seemed so nice and caring at the start. I didn't really think that the rumors about her being a gold-digger and whore were true. And now, because of her, my best friend and my long-time crush is broken. Like glass, he shattered into a million pieces and I was the only one who could glue them back together.

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