Chapter 15 - The Morn

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I can't help but feel fire surging through my hands, no ice, no both. I walk closer, just to peer in the cave, that was my first mistake. The end of the dragon's tail hits me straight in the face, scratching my cheek. I feel where it hit me, I look at my fingertips afterwards and see a little bit of blood. I grunt and the fire and ice in my hands grow stronger. What is it? What do I do with it? How do I use it? All these thought swirl in my mind as I look at my hands. "Are you okay?" Aden says taking my hand and looking it up and down. He then looks at my face and sees the scratch, he balls his hand into a fist and turns to look at the dragon. I see Eric hop on top of it smiling. "Now, this should be interesting!" He laughs, it's hollow and dark, like him. I see Liz grin "Yes it should!" She pulls out a bow and grins even wider. Mal grins, he pulls out two swords. One for each hand. I look to my left and see Aden spread out his wings and take off with the rope in his hands. I don't have a weapon, I look at my hands or maybe I do. I run forward and clinch my fist. I punch the dragon in the face, I expect it to hit me off the cliff for tickling it with one useless punch. Instead I see it has a burnt mark and ice shards stuck in its cheek. I look at my hand, blue fire with ice shards dancing above it. I grin, "Oh, this will be very fun." Mal, along with everyone else, stares at my hands. Eric is the first to move. He jumps off the dragon "Kill the others, I got this one!" He says popping his knuckles. I see a mix of purple and black smoke, no magic, form above his hands. He lungs at me, punching me in the face. It gives me a black eye. I spit at him "Gross!" He says backing away from the spit. He moves around it and I almost laugh, I stand up and he kicks me back down. I try to pull him down but he moves out of the way. He steps on my wrist holding me down. "Ah." I feel him press harder, it hurts. He pulls out a sword,"I didn't want to do this, at least not this soon!" He grins "Lie!" I shout at him, he growls "Well, maybe, but this isn't!" He holds his sword high above his head and starts bringing it down, I close my eyes ready for the pain. But all I hear is "Don't touch her!" I open my eyes to see Aden hovering over me. He gives me a hand up, I grunt in pain. "Are you okay?" He asks, looking at my wrist closely. I let him,"I'm fine just a little beating up." I say hugging him "Thank you!" He smiles closing his arms around me we pull away from each other. He smiles, then gasps for air. I look to see what's wrong. One of his wings were cut straight off, I see Eric standing behind him with a sword covered in white blood. I look to the ground and I see Aden's fallen wing lying there. I clinch my fist angry yet on the inside I feel failure and the need to scream and cry. Before I can rip him apart, he kicks Aden in the back making him fall off the cliff. As he watches Aden fall I put my hands around his neck I feel strong fire and ice build up then I let it out. I feel tears run down my cheeks and fall onto the ground, like Aden. I want to scream and cry my eyes out, but I can't, not now at least. I hear Eric scream in pain, and it got lower and lower as seconds passed. He slowly dropped to his knees. I let go knowing he was gone, dead. Mal ran over and picked me up, "We did it! Yes! We did it!" He shouts happily. I look at him and smile calmly but not happy, in the slightest. He looks at me questionably then puts me down. "You okay?" He looks around "Where's Aden?" I cover my mouth and only sit on my knees at the end of  cliff. Mal comes to where I am and looks down at where Aden lays. Mal puts a hand on my shoulder and sits with me, "I...I...I am so sorry!" he stumbles over his words picking them out carefully. I feel a huge huff and I turn to see the Dark Dragon. "Ah! I thought you killed it!" I say shocked. Mal moves in the way "It stopped fighting after Eric died, it just laid down and went to sleep, it didn't even fight back if we hit it!" He looks at it and rubs it's neck "It's friendly now." He looks at me with pleading eyes "Oh, okay then." I say looking back down at Aden, laying there. I remember all of the times we spent together and when he put his lips on mine. I want to cry, to scream out the pain I feel. "I'm going to miss Aden." I close my eyes tight "Aw, I would miss you too if I was going away, but I'm not!" I feel a comforting hand on my shoulder I look up to see...

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