Chapter 2 - Wise

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-10 years later-
"Time to come back in!" Liz yells to me from the ground even though she thinks I'm on the ground, I'm not. I look out at the now setting sun, it is a pink growing from the ground into a light blue then into a dark blue and finally the black, it's as black as the dragon, my mind goes to the thought of that horrid creature.

 I look out at the now setting sun, it is a pink growing from the ground into a light blue then into a dark blue and finally the black, it's as black as the dragon, my mind goes to the thought of that horrid creature

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I turn to look at Liz she smiles "Climbing again I see?" I grin,"what else can I do to see if he is in the sky?" I turn sad. Liz's smile turns into a calming frown. I smile lightly at her hoping to make her smile to, but I know she can tell, it's fake. She reaches out for a hug as I jump down the tree. She smiles, "Can you go get another book for the kids, in town?" I smile "Yeah!"
I get to town and I see the librarian my best friend's mom, I call her Nala, "Hi, Nala, how r ya?" She jerks up "Oh hey sweetie, how are you? Nina isn't here, you know that right?" I nod "I'm coming for a book for the little Elves!" She smiles "How's Liz?" I grin "The usual Liz!" She laughs quietly the "Books are over there!" She points to three rows of shelves. "Okay!" I walk over and spot a few good books for the little ones. "I have something special for you!" She says waving me over, I already have three books for the kids, I think, that's more than enough, she holds up a book not for the kids to listen to but for me too read by myself,
"T-Thanks!" I sturdier she smiles brightly "My pleasure and it's the only one I haven't showed it to anyone not even my daughter!" She smiles brighter "I haven't told anyone either!" I smile eagerly "Thanks so much it looks interesting!" I look at the cover it's called "Walking Down The Street Of Hope" I smile happily. I start to walk out and bump into a guy he picks up the children's books for me but not my book I put it deep in my bag "Sorry!" We say together reaching for the same book, our hands touch I look into his Dark Green Eyes and his mixed color skin with his Dark brown hair covering his right eye. "It's okay!" We say the same time, again! He grins and stands up, he offers a hand to me I don't take, I get up just fine. He smirks "Did you get the new book I heard about? 'Walking Down The Street Of Hope'?" He resists my mouth drops "How did you know what it's called? She didn't tell anyone?" His face shows panic "Oh look at the time! I must go! Bye!" He darts away faster than I could say "wait..." I sigh. Then it hits me and I grin, "He's a Wise" I say aloud. I walk back through the forest to home when I here a twig fall, I look up, "It's an owl!" I grumble putting myself at ease. A bigger stick falls I look up and I see...

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