Chapter Five

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Lauren's POV
It has been a month and four days and Camila still hasn't waken up. So back when we were stuck on the island I found her hanging from a tree and just as I was going to help she fell and the jaguar got to her before I did and he took a good clean bite of her leg. Her leg is still attached its just that she has to wear this white bandage stuff. She has been in a coma ever since she passed out while I was carrying her to the airplane that miraculously found us. I felt a hand squeeze mine and I looked up and saw Camila slowly opening her eyes. Oh thank God. She's waking up. She said, "where am I?" I said, "you are at the hospital Camz." She looked at me confused and said, "why am I at the hospital? Wait hospital what about the island?" I said, "okay so long story short I found you hanging from a tree and then just as I was going to kill it you fell from the tree and I didn't get to you in time." She said, "what is "it"?" I said, "the Jaguar Camz he took a good bite of your leg. Plus you hit your head pretty hard on your way down the tree. You fell seventeen feet from that tree. I was so scared when you fell." She said, "what happened to the Jaguar?" I said, "I broke his neck before he took another bite of your leg." She looked at her leg and said, "so how long have I been in here?" I said, "about a month and four days. You've been in a coma." She said, "a what?" I said, "a coma." She sighed and said, "when do I get out? I want out now." I said"calm down Camz. You get out tomorrow. "She seemed to calm down when I said that and she said, " thanks for saving me by the way. I think you helped me at least three times. " I said, "only twice." She shook her head and said, "one is when you found me, two is when I fell from the tree and three is right now." Wow I really did. I said, "so his are you feeling?" She said, "my leg hurts, but I'm here so I guess why complain." That's when I got a flashback that I didn't want.
Camila fell out of the tree and then I heard her scream out in pain as I stood there and watched the Jaguar bite her leg. The way she screamed kept on ringing in my head over and over again. When I got over to her she was crying and wincing in pain. Her eyes were closing and I was panicking.
*end of flashback
I heard Camila calling my name. I snapped back into reality and said, "what." She said, "I've been talking to you for the past five minutes. What are you thinking about?" I didn't want to upset her so I said, "its nothing what were you saying?" She said, "no its not nothing what were you thinking about?" I said, "well I can't get the image or voice out if my head when you got bit by the Jaguar. It just broke my heart and its been a month and I still can't get it out of my head." She said, "I'm sorry I." I cut her off and said, "no don't be sorry. This is exactly the reason why I didn't want to tell you." She grabbed my hand and said, "I said I was sorry and at least I got to spend time with you. Think about the fun things we did." I smiled at that and said, "I hope that you don't hate me for this." She said, "I won't tell me." I said, "I really like you." She said, "wait are you bisexual?" I sighed and I said, "yeah I shouldn't have said that." She quickly said, "no I'm actually really happy you said that." I said, "why?" She said, "Lauren I'm bisexual too." My heart stopped beating. Oh my God. She's bisexual too that is great. I said, "I don't know why I didn't tell you before I guess I didn't want to be made fun of." She said, "you were made fun of for being bisexual too?" I nodded my head and she said, "well then we have something in common." She said, "wait what hospital are we in?" I said, "a Florida hospital." She said, "hey so we ended up getting to Florida anyways." I said, "yeah I guess so. Why did you fly down to Florida?"
Camila's POV
Shit. I can't tell her that I came her to go to rehab. Okay so to tell you why I have to go to rehab is because I'm not eating, sleeping I'm cutting and I'm bisexual. I said, "um I was going to a rehab actually." She said, "what why?" I told her my whole story. I told her about me getting bullied and then me not eating and then I started cutting myself. She said, "Camz don't ever self harm again." I said, "I don't think that I will, but hey you actually got me to eat. Your the first person to. Does that mean that I don't have to go to rehab?" She said, "I don't know, but I don't think that you will." I said, "so when I get out where are we staying?" Lauren told me that she bought a small, but nice house since she had no plan on going back to New York. Camila said, "oh can I stay over at your house?" She said that she wouldn't mind the company and that she should help me out a little because of my leg. I yawned and she said, "why don't you get some sleep." I said, "are you going to be here when I wake up?" She said, "of course Camz. Goodnight" she kissed my forehead and went over to the couch and just as she was about to fall asleep I said, "Laur.", "yeah Camz." I love you. Yes I told her finally. She smiled and said that she loves me too.

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