Love me like you do...~Japan~ Kiku Honda~ Request by Sayuri-chan~

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I pout once again as I got pushed away from Kiku because you once again Reader-chan keep pestering him to hug you and kiss you~!!

You faked cried as you hug Feli(Italy)...

"Feli~!! Kiku doesn't love me~!!" You can feel Kiku tense at that statement...

Italy stood there in confusion..."Ve~?"

"Let's go Feli~!! I need to tell you something very important!" You say as you dragged Italy away from the asian boy..

Who....stood there with almost a pain look on his face....almost..

"Ve~!! That's-a very great idea-a!!"

"I know right!!??"

"Let's go tell the others!'


"(NAME)!!!!" This caught the asian's boy attention(Japan)

"Hm? What is it?" You turn around as you sliky (h/c) turns swiflty in the air..

Alfred(America) wraps his arms around your waist and you up.

You giggle as he spins you around...

In the distance Kiku(Japan) watched the lovey-dovey scene unfold before him...

He clenched his fists slightly....

I should be doing that to her....

Your laugh echoed in the room as he looked sadly at you....

How he wished he wasn't shy, so that he'll be able to do all the things that couples do...

How he wants to kiss you, tender you, hug you....and most of all showing his love for you....

Finally he had enough....

He stood up and quickly took out his katana and walked towards the duo....

"(Name)-san...." You turn around and just to find yourself being held protectively in the waist...

You look up to see your asian boyfriend pointing his katana at the american boy...

Who looked quite shocked at Japan's actions....

And mostly you who looked stun...

I mean Kiku wouldn't raise his sword at him like that right?

He then drags you away from the American boy and lead you outside the building...

"Kiku?" You decided to play dump...

What surpises you the most is what he did next...

He hugged you...

Your eyes widen in shock.....not expecting this at all...

HE then breaks the hugs to carrass your cheek....

You blushed slightly....

Both of your faces near each sec....until finally...

You both kiss tenderly..

The kiss was soft yet passionate.

You both break apart with blushes covering your faces...

He then places his forehead over yours as he looked deeply into your (c/e) orbs..

"Don't do something like that to anybody.....but me...." He says

You mentally smirk in triumph..

"Hm~? You jealous?" You asked with an innocent look..

He turns his head away slightly, "No...."

You smile weakly...

" I'm sorry" He apoligized...

" I'll forgive you if you give me a kiss again." you joked..

But you didn't expect him to take it seriously...

"I love you (Name)-san..."

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