Me ~Sesshomaru!

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Piercing primrose hues glanced at the female before him, one who he found her lying almost half dead on the road. He wouldn't leave her be since the little mistress, Rin, developed a strong bond with the almost half dead female.

Of course, he had to accept the female since the little one was almost like a daughter to him, he would never say no to her.

His eyes bore her small frame, despite being an adult and dressed up as a male. Somehow, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. The female carried the young girl in her arms, Rin silently sleeping with no fear or danger of whatsoever.

They rest for the afternoon, the demon still gazing at her form...and it was pretty obvious since they female could sense his fierce gaze...and it made her quite uncomfortable...but she somehow grew used to it..

She sighs, slowly walking by the river bank to rest her feet by the water...when he feet touch the surface, she immediately hums in satisfaction. It felt great!! She lets her thoughts wonder off, recalling a certain someone...

It made her grumble at the thought...and it irritated her. Why couldn't he forget him?

She clicks her tongue and splashes the water out of frustration..

"Now...don't go raging out your anger on the water..." A husky voice caught her weary thoughts. She glances up, and sees piercing primrose hues looking down at her. She looks away from the male, not wanting to deal with him now...

"Don't ignore me woman..." He kneels down and takes hold of her chin quite fiercely, making her turn to look at him. She only glared at the male before her, she didn't want to deal with his plays now. He suddenly attacked her, kissing her passionately...(Y/N) was taken aback by his crude actions..

She places her palm on his chest, trying to pry the male off, but he wouldn't budge. He bit her lips, his tongue asking for entrance, but she wouldn't budge.

"N-Not...n-now S-Sesshomaru..!!" She breathes out, and with that Sesshomaru stuck his tongue, exploring every inch he could. Finally, with enough strength, she pushes the male away...trembling as her face was flushed red...

"You were thinking of him...weren't you?" He asked her, his voice somehow sounding angry.

She wipes her saliva, raising an eyebrow, as if mocking him.

"And if I was?" She challenges, smirking.

With that, he pushes her down, her body clashing down by the rocks of the river. Which made her flinch in pain, as she looks up at the man above her.

"Didn't I order you to not think about that man? Did you just defy my order?" She was about to snap back when Sesshomaru kissed her again, this time roughly with a bit of passion in every kiss. His hands glided down her body, undressing her...

"S-Seshomaru..?" She speaks his name, looking at the man with her teary eyes as she tried to breathe...

"Don't ever think about that man...and just look at me..."

And with that, the night ended with a possessive kiss from the demon....

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