Karma ~Adult/Reborn PT3

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A sigh leaves his thin lips, leaning over the large wall of the building where HQ was located.

He's by himself today...

'I'm bored....'

He sneaks his hands towards his front pockets, his eyes boring towards the crowded streets before him...

His eyes pass everyone...including the most beautiful and exotic woman that he has ever seen....

Usually, he would have approached them...but this time...he was uninterested...

He didn't understand why, they were very beautiful...they have curvy bodies, enormous bust and butt...ideally perfect woman...not to mention, they were his type.

But he felt nothing....


That is till...a silhouette through the crowd caught his undivided attention...

"Hey mister~ You're pretty hot~"

He heard the woman speak beside him, feeling her hand glide towards his arm before leaning her body next to his...provocative...

But he didn't dare to look back, too busy looking at the shocking sight before him...

The silhouette he seemed to have recognize belong to none other than you...


There you stood...in a beautiful colored dress that suited you perfectly...as you busied yourself on your mobile phone.

He was not expecting to see your presence, no to mention...dress like that. Honesty, you were even sparkling in his eyes...

That is till a group of men decide to approach you, but you paid no mind to them.

Reborn's keen eyes narrow slightly at the sight...glaring unknowingly when one of the men take hold of your arm---briskly pulling onto it so that you could budge out of place.

"Why don't you come play with us miss?"

You blankly stare at the male before you, quite annoyed frankly since they interrupted your peace. You weren't in the mood to fight.

"Lay off, pick someone else to play with..."

You pull back your arm, narrowing your eyes as you puff out in annoyance---and of course the males just couldn't take the hint...

They just laugh at your attempts to scare them away...

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