Too Nice? ~Gon Freecs~

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"Gon you're too nice...."

The spiky haired boy looks at his friend with question, hues filled with pure bliss of innocence...

"What do you mean Killua?" Gon asked, which made his blue eye friend deadpan at his innocence...

"C'mon!! I'm talking about your relationship with (Y/n)...!!!" Killua says, pointing at you as you chat nonchalantly with Kurapika. Gon looks over at your form, seeing how you laugh with no care which filled his heart with warmth...

"She's so cute~" Gon says, a smile on his face.


Gon looks over at the male, seeing how angry he was...what was his point then?

"Look Gon...." He grabs his shoulders, a serious vibe was coming from him, "...Aren't there times feel angry when a guy is with (Y/n)?"

Gon lifts his head up, hand on chin as if he were in thought, "Hm...No, Not at all. Why should I? (Y/n) loves me only, so why should I be angry?"

Killua lets out a sigh, letting go of his friend's shoulders...he couldn't believe the words that came from his mouth, not like he was surprise from it...

"Gon, I know (Y/n) only loves you...but if you're too nice..." Killua scratches his fluffy white hair locks in frustration, "Ugh...I should I say this?"

"GON!!" Killua jabs a finger at the male before him, scaring him slightly at the sudden movement. He awaits for his friend's words:

"You need to feel jealousy...!!"

"Huh?" Gon questions, looking at Killua weirdly.

"There has to be a time where you'll get jealous! I'm sure of it...!!" Killua says, "Women do prefer nicer guys, but they also want a man to be at least jealous! That's what gets them excited...!!!"

"Since when did you become a love expert?" Gon asked with a poker face...

"That's not the point right now, the point is that if you don't become a little aggressive in the relationship, surely (Y/n) will lose interest...!!"


"Where are you going?"

You were shock by the tone of his voice as you faced your boyfriend who just woke up form his nap. Nonetheless, you sent him a smile, "I was just going to go buy some ingredients for dinner, is something wrong?"

Gon shook his head 'no', as you proceed to put you shoes on. When you finished, you look up at him, taking note at how his brows was as if he wanted to say more...

"If you want to tell me something...then spill it..." You told him, quite curious at his sudden change in character.

He suddenly walked away to his room, then coming out with different clothes...

"I'm coming with you..."

And with two left to go buy the ingredients...


You were indeed right...

Something is up with Gon...

He suddenly grabbed your hand from no where, and hasn't let go since you left from the store...

It was as if he was bothered by something...his grip has even tighten too...

"G-Gon..?" You ask slowly, feeling a bruise form from his sudden strong hold on you. He decided to ignore you, walking quite briskly on the way home. Seeing this irritated you slightly, and so you proceed to briskly take your hand away from Gon's successfully which made him finally stop to face you...

The look in his face scared you a bit...

"What's wrong!? Why are you acting like this suddenly?!" Gon took note of your anger, quite confused as to why you were acting like this...Was perhaps Killua lying to him...?

"Isn't it normal for a boyfriend to feel jealous?" Gon asked honestly, taking hold of her hand again. With this, you send him a weird look...trying to process the words that just came from his mouth...

"Wha-?" Gon then cut you off...

"That cashier guy was looking at you...and...and...I just lost it when you smiled at him...I'm sorry..." Gon says, his gaze looking down with sadness. You look at him bewildered, heart racing at his words, never in your life you have thought that Gon will ever get were honestly happy!

You smile at the boy, seeing how he was shifting from his position, almost as if he were embarrassed...

Too cute to handle, you hug the boy with a hum. To your surprise he pulls you away...

And suddenly...he smacked his lips to yours...his right hand on your head while the other on the waist.

As both of you pull away, you flush in emebrassment whilst covering your mouth in shame, "G-Gon...!!?"

He only smiles at you, taking hold of both of your hands...groceries soon forgotten...

"You look so cute~"

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