Annoyed ~Natsume Hyuuga~

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He gazes at your oblivious state, eyes boring your form...

Of notice his sudden stare....

"W-What?" You ask, looking over at him...he turns away from your almost looked as if he was pouting...

He didn't respond to your words, making you sweat in concern. What in the world is happening to him?

"(Y/N)!" You quickly snap at your name, looking over to see an upperclassmen walk towards you.

You were currently sitting on the grassy fields of the school. Since you thought it was such a lovely day, you decided to chill outside with Natsume...surprisingly agreeing to go with you.

You send a small smile at the upperclassmen, making him slightly flush in embarrassment, "What is it?"

"I-I wanted to tell you s-something..." He whispers, scratching the back of his head as he nervously darts his eyes elsewhere...too flustered to meet your eyes. Knowing this, you knew very well where this was going...

"Oh no..." You thought, not really in the mood to reject anyone at the moment...

"So annoying...!" You hear Natsume grumble, glaring daggers at the male that stood before you. You sweat in response, knowing well how easily annoyed he gets when someone interrupts his sleep.

"Y-You want to talk right? Let's go somewhere else..." You say, shuffling to your feet. The male blushes slightly and nods, quite nervous at that.

You were about to lead the way when a sudden hand clasp your arms...stopping you from moving anywhere.

You turn around and see Natsume up on his feet already, his glare fixated on a certain someone that stood next to you. You slowly glance at the male next to you and Natsume...wondering what to do in this type of situation...

"(Y/n) is not going anywhere..." Natsume hisses, pulling you behind him so that he was able to stand before you.The blushing male was now glaring at Natsume...not to mention...his extremely tall figure was rather intimidating.

But that didn't stop Natsume...

He knew well that you didn't like it when he fought...therefore he took a deep breathe...and gave the male one last glare before dragging you with him away from the scene...

The wind decides to pick up its pace as the birds around your chirp...and nothing was exchange between you and him...

"Is he annoyed?" You thought, trying to peer something out of him...but he wouldn't face you...and him pulling you doesn't help either.

"N-Natsume...?" You whisper, making the male stop dead on his tracks. You stop as well, confuse by his sudden stop...

He turns around to face you, startling you slightly...

"When you're with me...only pay attention to me, got it?"

You stare at him with pure bewilderment before bursting out laughing, his pouty and flush face was honestly priceless...he was just too cute.

He blushes in embarrassment at your response, annoyed that you weren't taking him seriously...


You grin ear-to-ear as you see his ears and cheeks flush in red hue. You give him a light squeeze on his hand, making him glance your way can you not resist such adorable reaction?

"You're so cute when you are annoyed~"

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