Cute ~ Nagisa Hazuki~ Request by K-pop Girl~

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To him, it was cute when you pouted as he flirted or talked to another girl.

The way you puffed out your cheeks in annoyance made him want to squish them to death.

Well that was when you were jealous.

But right now, it was the exact opposite.

He was pouting like a child as you chatted with Makoto, giving more attention to him than your boyfriend.

You laughed as Makoto commented about Haru and his complaints.

Haru, of course, read the atmosphere perfectly.

He sighed in boredom as he watched his blonde friend pout in jealousy while his (h/c) friend completely ignored him and chatted effortlessly with his brunette friend.

"Ne, (Name)-chan~!" Nagisa whined wanting to grab your attention, which failed miserably.

Haru decided to walk out, not wanting to be dragged into this jealousy thing.

Makoto chuckled at you and gently patted your (h/c) hair.

You give him one of your famous smiles, he blushed slightly.

Finally, Nagisa had enough.

Nagisa walked towards the duo and tugged onto (Name)'s hand.

" What is it Nagi---" You were cut off by a pair of soft lips on yours.

Makoto blushed at the scene in front of him, while Haru hummed in interest.

Nagisa was quite a rough kisser for a sec. It surprised you.

He stuck hid tongue inside your mouth, exploring every inch of it.

W-Whoah! Isn't this french kissing??!!

You blushed madly, trying hard not to faint right on the spot.

But you did...effortlessly.

Nagisa holds you by the waist as saliva of his and mixture with yours drooled down your lips.

"Gomen (Name)-chan~!" He says in a sing-song voice.

" You are not allowed to flirt with other men in front of me, or you'll have to be punished~" He cutely says.

Both Haru and Makoto sweatdrop.

Who knew that Nagisa can pull that off with an innocent act....

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