Receipt ~Haruka Nanase~

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 Hey there~ This one-shot was requested the most by these fellow readers:
Chisty Layer Orihara Wife of Izaya, Mistress Serenity, Sora Matsuoka and Zaliyah!

Don't worry the other one-shots are coming up.


"Haruka" You call out his name.

He looked over at you.

You pointed over an ice cream shop and smiled up at him.

" I want to go there..." You mumble quietly with a small smile.

He nods slightly, taking hold of your hand and leading you to the said shop.

As you both enter, the scent of deliciousness overflowed both of your noses.

You both sat down in an empty corner of the shop.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Haru says standing up.

"Ok. I'll order for both of us then." You answer as you look at the menu.

As he cane back, a male waiter was standing before you, smirking down at you with flirty eyes.

Haru quickly walked over to you, sitting down across from you.

" Would you like your receipt ma'am?" The waiter asked as a familiar glint of mischief took upon his orbs.

You nodded at him. "Yes please."

He gave it to you as you took it, not giving a single glance at it and placing it into your pocket.

The two of you began to devour your ice cream, enjoying the sweet monment of calm silence with Haru.


" That was great!" You exclaim, stretching as you walked out of the shop.

At the same time the receipt from your pocket fell out, catching Haru's attention.

As he picked it up, he opened it to take a peek at the price of the ice cream only to see something shocking before his eyes.

It was the waiter's phone number.

A dark look took upon his looks, crushing the receipt in full jealousy.

"Haruka? Is there somethin wrong?" You asked with a worried look showing upon your features.

"No, it's nothing..." He replied back walking towards you not before throwing the crushed receipt into the garbage.

Even though he never clearly showed it he was always jealous. 

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