Sweet ~Kanda Yuu~

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  "Oh Yuu~"

The male silently cringed at the overly familiar woman...

"There you are!" He choose to ignore your small form as you approach from behind. You flash him a smile, giving yourself the permission to walk next to him.

"You know what today is~?" You ask, your smile beaming more. He side glances at you, still walking as you try to catch up with his pace.

"Tuesday..." He replies, picking up his pace. You deadpan at his response, slowly holding out what seems like a box.

"I know that!! I'm talking about how today is Valentine's day!!" She says, stopping right in front of the male to show him the box of chocolate she made.

She slightly blushes, "H-Happy Valentine's Day Yuu...!"

The male sighs, running a hand through his long locks of hair.

"You know that I don't like sweets..." He says, closing his eyes. She lets out a smile, pushing the chocolates towards his hands.

"I know, so I made dark chocolate with 100% cacao--" Kanda then cuts you out.

"I have a mission right now...why don't you give it to someone else?" He says, pushing the chocolates towards you.

"B-But...!! I made them for yo--"

"I don't want them...so annoying.."

With that, you were left alone in the vacant hallway...Kanda's steps fade in an instance...


Kanda came back from his mission, extremely tired...

Usually, you'll greet the man with a hug despite his condition...but will later try to help him get to his room and treat his injures...

But today was different...

You weren't at sight...

He questioned where you were, it wasn't like you to miss his arrival...

But nonetheless he went to his room without a complain...he quite enjoyed this quiet environment.

That is till a whole week passed by...

Indeed...something is up. Not once have you glanced at him, almost as of you were ignoring his presence...

Although he liked the peace and quiet, he does NOT like to be ignored...

Currently, you were sitting with Lavi, smiling and laughing as of there is no tomorrow. You could feel the male's heated glare from behind as you chat with Lavi. He deserved it, after the way he mistreated your love! Who does he think he is? You were upset!!

Unintentionally, you tap on Lavi's shoulder as you laugh from his silliness...which triggered Kanda slightly. How dare you flirt around with Lavi right in front of his face!? You are his girlfriend for God's sakes!! And so, Kanda stands from his seat, a fearsome aura surrounded his form as he slowly walks towards the table you sat.

Once he got close, Lavi freezes at his seat...while you simply ignored him...

"(Y/N)...." Kanda calls out, his voice hinting with a slight warning in them. You choose to ignore him, still facing Lavi...

He felt a sting in his heart, which made the male clench his fist in furry...

Suddenly, you were pulled by your upper arm, making you stand up from your seat to face Kanda. You glare at him, trying hard to release his hold on your arm...but he had a really strong on them surprisingly...

"Let go Kanda..." You hiss, tugging your arm. On the other hand...Kanda fake smiles, which makes you stiffen at the spot.

"(Y/n)...we need to talk..."

You didn't further complain...


You sat silently in your room, as Kanda stood before you with cross arms. After a few minutes of silence, Kanda decides to speak:

"Hand them over..."

You look at him questionably, what in the world is he saying? He watch how his right hand was extended to your form...

"Don't play dumb, I'm talking about...about the c-chocolates...!" He says, his eyes avoiding you while his hand was still extended...

You stayed there for a moment, processing his words.

"Hurry up! Before I change my mind!!" Quickly, you grab the box pf chocolate from the table by the bed and handed Kanda the chocolates.

Your eyes swirl in anticipation, watching the male slowly open the box, peering inside before taking out a chocolate.

"You made these right?" He asked slowly, eyeing the chocolate in hand as of judging its appearance. You nod, waiting for the male to take a bite. He mumbles a quiet, "thank you for the food" and munches on the chocolate...

"H-How is it?" You ask nervously, examining his face for any sign of dislike...

He looks away from you...a small but visible red hue covers his ears and slightly on the cheeks...

"It's not that bad..."

You smile at him, jumping from your seat and into Kanda's arms, which startled the male slightly. He felt flustered by your sudden touch, since you haven't hugged him for a whole week. You were so happy that he liked the chocolates, you couldn't ask for more!

"Also, stop hanging around with red hair idiot..." You couldn't help but snort at the comment, facing Kanda upwards as you still hug him. You send him a smug look, in which he caught up rather quickly.

"Don't be jealous Kanda~ I only have eyes for You~"

He blushes at this and pulls you away. He turns around, stomping out of your room.

"That's it!! We're breaking up!!"

"Aww~ don't be like that~!!"

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