Chapter One: The meeting

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I was walking home from school one day when I met him. It had been a really really hard day and I was just ready to be home. Once I saw his smile my day turned around. It was just so cute. He was really really messy. I could tell that he was probably either homeless or a shelter run away or both. In fact he was even hiding under a box. I walked over to the box and lifted it up. His piercing blue eyes looked at up me and I melted inside.
"Hi there. Do you want to come home with me little one?"
"I'm not little." he responded hoarsely. "That doesn't answer my question though." I say.
He thinks for a moment and then says, "Yes, I would like that."
I smiled at him and helped him up. We walked back to my house together and walked through the door. I had a two bedroom one bath house with a kitchen and dining that was combined and a big living room. He looked around at it like it was a gold plated mansion though.
"It isn't much-" I start to say but he cuts me off.
"It's amazing!" he says.
I smile at him. "Well, come on then. I'll show you to your room."
"Wait" he said, "you're gonna let me live here??"
"Well, you don't have to but I would like the company." I replied shyly.
He smiled at me for the first time and I melted all over again. I showed him his room. It was decked out in little boy stuff. I blushed embarrassed. "We can change it if you want..." I said quietly. "No.. I like it.." he whispered the last part so low that I barley caught what he said. I smiled at him.
"Alright. Well, why don't you tell me your size and I'll go get you something to change into." He told me and I left for the store. I came back an hour later with clothes for him. I got little clothes and big boy clothes and a stuffie for him. I put the stuffie, which was a dinosaur that looked like arlow, and the little clothes up in my closet and went back into to his room to find him on the floor playing with lint like they were toys. He looked so cute. I went over and kneeled beside him. He jumped and the lint scattered away. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. I just had an idea. I know we don't really know each other but I could take care of you if you want. Just till you find a mommy or just don't want to live here anymore. Would you like that?" He looked at me thoughtfully and nodded slowly. I smiled and said, "we'll go shopping tomorrow and get you some real toys ok?" He smiled at me and clapped his hands excitedly. "Yes please!" He was so happy with my suggestion. "Do you want to take a shower or bath by yourself or with me?" He thought about this one for a while and slowly said, "I'll do it alone." I told him ok and left his room and went into the kitchen to start dinner. I heard the shower start up and smiled. Good I thought to myself. I decided I would make chicken for dinner and was just pulling it out of the oven when he came in wearing his new big boy pj's. I thought he looked adorable but I didn't say that out loud. I set the dinner table and put the food out. He put a lot on his plate and I watched him eat as if he had been starved. He looked like he had been starving for a while now that I really look at him. I could see his ribs and his face had begun to loose fat and not in a healthy way. "How was your shower?" I asked him after he had had his fill. "It was really good. Thank you so much for this." he replied with a smile. I smiled back at him and asked if he wanted to watch a movie with me. My heart broke when he answered me with a question, "what's a movie?" I gasped a little in shock and told him I would show him. "And what are toys?" he continued to ask. I wanted to kiss his forehead and wrap him in a big hug but I couldn't so instead I offered him my hand and when he took it I gently led him into the living room and turned on the tv and stereo system. After that I looked through my Disney movies finally picking out one that was my all time favorite: lilo and and stitch. After I got the movie started for him I went back into the kitchen and started to clean up dinner. As soon as all the dishes were done and the left overs were put up I went back in. The movie had ended and he was on the couch crying. He hadn't noticed me so I backed up a little and called out "Is the movie over?" I heard a choked reply "y-yes.." I could tell he was upset but I didn't know why and I also didn't want to pry so instead I asked, "Do you want to go to bed?" He said yes please and walked back into his room and laid down on his bed with the door open. "Can you... can you read me a bed time story?" he asked shyly. "Of course I can!" I replied. I picked out one out of my story book. The story was called the ugly duckling and while I was reading it to him he fell into a deep sleep. I turned off his lamp and turned on the night light I had in there and closed the door gently. Sighing, I headed back to my room where I collapsed on my bed exhausted and fell asleep.

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