Chapter Five: A New Home

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I was hiding under my favorite box when she walked up. I was soooo hungry and dirty and and tired and just ugh... But I was trying not to focus on all of that right now. I was debating on which homeless shelter I was gonna eat dinner at tonight when she lifted the box off of me. My heart started pounding super hard cause I couldn't escape. If I tried to run I might hurt her and if I did that I would never forgive myself. I knew what it was like to be hurt and I was definitely not going to do that to anyone else.
"Hi there. Do you want to come home with me little one?" she asked me so cheerfully and so sincerely. I didn't know what to think. Most people would just walk by me without a second glance in my direction. Why didn't she do that? Why did she take an interest in me? Nobody took an interest in me. Well, not since she did but that's beside the point. I had to at least appear strong to everyone I met even if I wasn't. With this in mind I responded to her question by saying, "I'm not little." gruffly. It came out harsher than I meant it to. Her face fell for a split second in disappointment and embarrassment. I felt bad but then she recovered and pointed out that I hadn't answered her question. I thought about, weighing my options. Say no and continue living this horrid existence that I had been in for the past two years or say yes and go live in a house with an actual bed and food. Little me kicked in for a second and added toys and stuffies and candy and- I cut that side of me off. There was no room for it in my existence. I decided that I would say yes. I would at least give it a try. Anything to get off the streets. She offered me her hand as if to help me up and without thinking I took it. I don't really know why I did but it happened. We walked together in an awkward silence for another two blocks until she led me up to this small but cozy looking house. It was the best building I had been in for a long time. She was watching my reaction carefully.
"It isn't much--" she started to say but I cut her off.
"It's amazing!" I told her and I meant it. I couldn't believe that I was here in an actual house. She smiled at me and said, "Well, come on then. I'll show you to your room." All I could think was I get a room!! I get a room!! And then the logical part of my brain stopped me. This had to be to good to be true. "Wait." I said, "You're gonna let me live here?" I asked shocked. She looked at me and then looked down shyly. "Well, you don't have to, but I would like the company." I smiled at her. I could tell that she liked my smile. She led me to my room and opened the door hesitantly. I wondered why she was so nervous. It was just a room. As the door swung open and the light came on I realized why. It was decked out in little stuff. The walls were a baby blue and there was a twin size bed in the corner and toy chests and shelves and just everything a little could need to be happy. The little inside of me was dancing around happily. She was watching me again and blushing big time. "We can change it if you want..." My little self answered before I could stop it. "No... I like it..." I whispered shyly. "Alright." she said as she sighed in relief. "Why don't you give me your clothes size and I'll go get you something to change into." I said ok and told her and she left for the store. While she was gone I sat down on the bed and it felt amazing. After a while I saw some white fuzzys and the little me came out and I started playing with them like I used to when I was young. I was in the middle of this when she walked and scared me. "I'm sorry!!" she said, "I didn't mean to scare you!" I could tell she felt bad so I said it was okay. When I looked back the fuzzys had scattered. Darn I thought I was having fun. She continued talking. "But I just had an idea. I know we don't know each other but I could take care of you if you want. Just till you find a mommy or just don't want to live here anymore." I thought about this for a little while, once again considering my options. Say no and disappoint her and loose an opportunity to be little again and say yes and learn to trust her. I nodded slowly at her. I smiled and said, "we'll go shopping tomorrow and get you some real toys ok?" My little side kicked in again and I smiled at her and clapped my hands excitedly and I responded with a "yes please!!" I was so happy even though I didn't really understand what a toy was. "Do you want to take a shower or bath by yourself or with me?" She asked. I thought about this one for a while and then i slowly slowly said, "I'll do it alone." I wasn't ready to be that personal with her. She said ok and left the room. I didn't know what she was doing to do but I picked out some pj's she had bought for me and a pair of boxers and went into the bathroom. It was a real bathroom. With hot water. I peeled my dirty clothes off my body and set the water to just the right temperature. It felt so good. She had shown me where the soap and shampoo and conditioner was as well as what I could use as a sponge. I stayed in there for a long time. It took a long time anyways to get all the dirt off of me. I had dead skin the size of playing cards come off. It had been a while since I had showered. After I got out and was dressed I took my old clothes back to my room and followed the smell of food to the kitchen/dining room. I sat down quietly and she put all of the food stuffs onto the table. I didn't even really know what it was but it smelt sooo good. I put as much as I could onto my plate and dug in. I went back for seconds and thirds. I didn't know what she ate or anything. The food was amazing. Once I was done she inquired about my shower and I told her it was good and I thanked her for all of this. She smiled at me and asked I wanted to watch a movie. I didn't know what a movie was so I asked. She gasped in shock. Then she led me into the living room and plugged in a movie called lilo and stitch. I watched it by myself and ended up in tears because it just reminded me too much of my old life. She didn't question it though. She just let me go lay back down in the bed that was now mine. I asked her to read me a bed time story and she did. I loved her voice and before I knew it I was asleep.

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