Chapter Four: What's in a Name?

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For the next three hours I went through all the toys and stuffies he had gotten from the mall and put them up in his room while he slept. It took about two hours. Once I had his room organized I went into the kitchen and fixed him a snack. I baked some cookies and once they were done it was three a clock. I went in and shook him gently. He groaned at me and rolled over, tucking his head under his covers. I laughed a little. "I have cookies in the kitchen for you.." I said temptingly. He slowly got out of bed and with his stuffie padded out of the room into the kitchen. I followed him and sighed happily when I found him waiting patiently for me to serve him. I wanted to ruffle his hair and kiss his forehead but I also knew that if I did that I would scare him off. So instead I went and put 4 on his plate and got some milk for him and set it down in front of him. He smiled and bounced a little in excitement before digging in. By the time he was done he was wide awake. He went into the living room and came running back into the kitchen panicking.
"What's wrong??" I asked him.
"All my stuffs are gone!!"
I laughed and told him to go look in his room. He bolted in that direction. I followed him more slowly and once I got to his room just in time to see him do a happy dance and start playing with his new toys and stuffies. I decided I would leave him to it. I walked back into the kitchen and cleaned up snack time. Then I started cleaning the house up. Basically doing all of the chores I had ignored. Once I was done it was time for dinner so I ordered pizza and pulled up some names for him on the Internet. Then I called to him and waited while he padded out of his room.
"I was having so much fun with my new stuffs!! Thank you so much for getting thems for me!!" he said happily.
I laughed. "I've got the names pulled up on the computer for you to look through." I told him.
"Otay." he replied, all to happy to look. "What's for dinner.?" he asked.
"Yay!!" He did a little happy wiggle in the chair. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. I answered it and payed the pizza man. I took the pizza to the kitchen and served him a slice. I put it in front of him and he started eating it thoughtfully.
"What do you think George?" he asked his stuffie. I smiled at him and at my pizza. After dinner was done and cleaned up I went back into the living room. I read a book while he thought about his name. I watched him quietly while he looked for a name. We sat there for an hour until finally he got up and came and sat by me.
"I know my name now." he said quietly.
"Do you want to tell me?" I asked. He nodded.
He took a deep breath and said shyly, "My name is......"

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