New Friend

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After mommy gave me a bath I ran off to my room to play. My Dino's were still trying to beat the cars back from their territory. It was an absolutely insane battle that spilled out of my room into the living room. It went on for hours. Eventually my tummy started to growl and hurt a little. It broke me from my game and I realized mommy hadn't been paying attention to me. Where was she??? I looked back in my room and the living room again. I looked in the kitchen and even peeked outside. No mommy. Anywhere. It wasn't like I was being quiet either. How could she do this? Ignore me like this. Ugh!!! I finally stomp into her room. I find her staring at her stupid computer typing away. What could be more important than me??? I go over to her and tug on her sleeve. She doesn't even look up. She just grunted at me! What the hell?? I start tugging harder and harder until she finally turns to me. I screamed at her and hit her. Then stomped out. Now I'm laying on her bed as she soothes all my ouchies. I didn't understand myself. I'd never done that. Never gone so far into my little space that I acted out. I explained everything to her. From my game to now. She finished up and found a really cute puppy onesie. She helped me into it and laid me back down and tucked me into her bed. She didn't say anything. Just worked and hummed something to herself. It was so soothing that I felt myself slipping off. Before I knew it I was in a deep sleep.

(Two hours pass)

Someone is shaking my shoulder again. I bury myself deeper into the bed. A sweet voice breaks through into my sleepy head.
"Come on little one. Time for you to get up."
I open my eyes up and see her looking down at me so lovingly. I don't understand for a moment why I'm in her room and not mine. I try to get up and wince as my ouchies remind me of what happened. I look down ashamed. I shouldn't have been so mean to her. She was probably just doing school work. I feel a finger under my chin and it guides my head up so I have to look at her.
"All is forgiven little one. It's ok. No need to be ashamed. Mommy fixed it. Ok.?" I nod slowly and do my grabby hands things for upsies. She laughs and picks me up bridal style and carries me out and sets me on the couch gently. She pressed play on Clifford and I got zoned in. I could hear her working in the kitchen and could smell whatever she was cooking. It smelled good. There was a knock at the door. I heard it but was so engrossed in my show that I didn't realize it had happened in real life. Mommy came in and answered it. All of the sudden the couch bounced up and down and I yelped in pain.
"Ow!" I yelled. A boy around my actual age was now beside me.
"Hi!! My name is Dylan!! I'm a little and love love love making new friends. That's my mommy over there. She's so super sweet and amazing!! Is your mommy amazing??" He paused for a split second and then continued rambling on and on about his life. I was confused. Who were these people. I paused my show and walked into the kitchen. Mommy was talking with another lady who must be Dylan's mommy. The lady smiled at me when she saw me walk in and came over. She took my hand and helped me into a chair and introduced herself.
"Hi there Max. I'm Lily. I'm your mommy's sister." she smiled at me sweetly and my mommy came over and wrapped her arms around me. "I guess our mom had a thing for flowers." Lily continued to say with a laugh. My mommy leaned down and whispered quietly in my ear. "I'm sorry I didn't warn you. I didn't know they were coming today until they showed up. My sisters spontaneous like that." I giggle and tell her it's ok. I was feeling a little older than I had been earlier though I was still in little space. "Why don't you take Dylan to your room huh? He's brought some toys of his own." I nod and go back into the living room to find Dylan still going on as if I hadn't even left. I get his attention and ask him if he wants to go play in my room. He agrees and then proceeds to tell me all about his room and his toys and I mean this guy could just go on and on and on. Our toys were on a secret mission behind enemy lines. There was no way it would stay secret for long though. Out jumps the meaniest meany head you've ever seen. He attempts to slay the hero's and another epic battle to beat evil back begins. Just as Dylan and I were about to strike the winning blow to our foe we hear my mommy call from the kitchen.
"Dinners ready!"

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