Sisterly Bonding

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The boys come running in from Max's room. Lily and I help them into chairs. Max has been acting a little older so I let him sit in a normal chair. I cooked lasagna with garlic bread for dinner tonight. And by cooked I mean I preheated the oven and stuck the pre made lasagna and garlic bread in for like half an hour. Lily and I eat slowly and watch as our boys wolf down their portions and ask for seconds and thirds. We laugh and help them along. Afterward we clean them up and send them back to their game. We start doing the dishes and work in silence for a while. Eventually though lily just can't help but break the silence.
"So...." she says, as if hinting about some elephant in the room.
"What.?" I ask, not really in the mood to play her games.
"Max seems like a good little." Lily says quietly.
"He is." I say, wary of where she might be heading with this.
"Better than the last one. Are you still not gonna tell me what happened with that?"
I sigh and look up at the ceiling. "No Lily. I'm not. It's none of your business. It was a long time ago."
She rolls her eyes and says, "I'm just worried about you. You look like you've had a long day."
I laugh and shrug. She drops it and we continue on in silence. "How's Mom?" I ask her.
"She's.. well... she's been better. Honestly? She's not going to get any better. You should come see her soon. I don't know how much longer she has. That's part of why I came over." Lily says all this with as little emotion as possible. She always had to be strong.
I nod slowly and whisper, "I know." Our Mom had cancer. The doctors couldn't even pin point where it started by the time her stubborn butt was dragged to the doctor. And by then it didn't really matter. There's nothing they can do except make her comfortable. I don't like thinking about it. My mom and I almost never saw eye to eye. Not that she wasn't amazing. She was. We just saw the world differently. Had to I guess. So I kept my distance. Less stress on her if I wasn't around to fight with her. She didn't know about our littles or lifestyle. She would never accept it. Too set in her ways. So if I go and bring max he'll have to be big. I don't want to put him through that. But I also don't want to leave him alone. Not with that bitch driving around town terrorizing him. I had filled lily in on that before dinner.
"I'm also here cause I got a very threatening message from you know who. And it wasn't for me." Lily says. She had turned to face me and was whispering.
"Was it for me?" I ask sarcastically. She dramatically nods and takes out a piece of paper. It was an email that had been printed out. It read:
       Dear Rosie,
I send this through your sister since you have blocked me from your life on all channels. You have something of mine and I want it back. You have three days before things get ugly and I do worse than throw him out on the street.
I feel the mixture of rage and disgust well up inside me. The world cannot possibly be that small. It just can't be. Lily gently pries the now very smooshed paper out of my hands and puts it back in her pocket. Now I have no choice but to take Max with me when I go see my mom. The closer he stays to me the better.
Lily takes a deep breath and says, "I'm here for whatever you need. You know that." She glances at her watch. It reads 8:00 pm. "Time for Dylan and I to go. If I don't get him in bed by ten he get crazy grumpy." I nod and she reaches over and squeezes my shoulder. We walk out and into Max's room. Another battle and taken place and his room didn't look like a room anymore. I sighed and helped lily pick up all of Dylan's toys. The boys said there goodbyes and they were gone. Max wondered into the living room and sat down. I heard the tv turn on and Clifford start to play. I push away my annoyance and get to work cleaning his room. It took a whole hour and by the time I was done I could hear someone getting cranky again.
"MOMMY!!" Max screamed from the living room. I could hear the frustration in his voice. I sighed and walked calmly back into the living room. He had wet himself and pooped himself. I hadn't put him in a diaper because of where some of his sores were after his punishment. I gently pick him up and carry him to the bathroom where I strip and clean and change him. When I'm done he was all clean and very sleepy. It had been an extraordinarily long day. I carried him bridal style to his bed and tucked him in. He fell asleep with his stuffies gathered around him and a new paci in his mouth. I turned his nightlight on before I left his room, closing the door gently. Back in the living room I cleaned up his accident and just generally cleaned the house. By the time I laid down to go to sleep in my bed it was midnight and I still had a lot to think about.

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