Chapter Nine: What's this?

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"Max." he smiles proudly at me.
I smile back and say, "That's a wonderful name!"
He blushes deeply and hides his face behind George. He's so cute. And dirty. There's pizza sauce all over his cute little face.
"Looks like someone needs a bath." I say and smile at him. He blushes even more. I laugh and ask him if he wants to do it alone or not. He decides to take a shower by himself once again. I understood but I couldn't help but hope that someday he would become my baby boy. I go back to my book and listen to the shower. He is in there for a good 30 minutes or so and when he comes out I guess he just goes to bed because he doesn't come back into the living room. I zone into my book and when I come out of it I realize it's two am.
'Crazy' I think to myself.
I hear something coming from his room and I get up to go take a peek and check on him. When I look in through the cracked door I see him sitting at a table on the floor. He must have been having a tea party and fell asleep right there. I slip in quietly and gently pick him up and lay him on his bed. I step on a lego on the way to his bed and it takes everything in me to not scream out in pain. Looking around I realize that his room is a mess of all the toys and stuffies I bought for him. I gently lay him down and tuck him in with Sapphire and George. I steal a kiss on his forehead. He stirs a little but then relaxes fully and slips into a deeper sleep. I quietly clean his room and then go to bed.

My alarm sounds bright and early. Sighing I force myself out of bed and into the shower. I make it as quick as possible and go to the kitchen quietly. I make him a sandwich for lunch and leave the chips out. I then leave him a note that explains that I'm at work and school and that he has food here and all that fun stuff. I check on him one more time. He's curled around his stuffies with his cute little thumb in his mouth. I smile. I can't wait until he trusts me more! I walk out of the house and to school. College is so much fun. Not. Today I was stuck in algebra for two hours and speech. After all that was over it was off to work. The classes and work dragged by. I didn't get home until around 11 in the evening. The restaurant got slammed at the last minute and I had to stay later than my usual 7 pm. I unlock my door and step in and almost immediately trip on a car. "What the hell..?" I mutter under my breath. Then I see him. The tv is still on whatever episode of Clifford he was watching. I smile a little. Despite my exhaustion his little face is worth it. It's so peaceful when he sleeps. He must have dragged most of his toys into the living room while I was gone. It looks like he had an eventful day. I gently put my stuff down and start cleaning up his mess. Taking it all back to his room and putting it neatly back up. I come back into the living room to find him sitting up on the couch yawning and looking around confused. I hear his stomach growl.
He makes eye contact with me and says, " I hungie."
I smile and pick him up gently and place him on my hip. He automatically wraps his little arms and legs around me and lays his head into the crook of my neck. My heart feels like it could burst with all the love I feel for him right now. I take him to the kitchen and put him in an old high chair I have from my first little. I lock him in gently so he won't fall and kiss his little forehead. He's just too cute. Then I go to the fridge and decide to make him some soup and grilled cheese. It takes about 15 minutes to make it all. I come over and set the food in front of him. He looks at me sleepily.
"Mommy.... feed me pwease..." he says and yawns.
I'm a little shocked but I decide to just go with it. I can tell he's regressed far into his little space. I didn't understand why but now wasn't the time to question it. Even though he had only been with me for 3 days it felt like I had known him forever.
I smile at him and say quietly, "Of course I will baby boy."
He smiles at me and opens his mouth. I feed him the soup and grilled cheese alternatively. Once it's all gone he smiles very proud of himself and says, "All gone mommy."
I smile at him and tell him, " I know baby boy! Mommy is so proud of you!"
He smiles back. "I sweepy and messy mommy... mommy bath me..?"
I look at him. I don't know what to do. If he came out of this then he might never trust me again. On the other hand, he was very messy. I could see what he had had for breakfast and lunch just by looking at his face and hair.
I take a deep breath and say slowly, "are you sure you want mommy to give you a bath little one.?"
He nods humming happily. I sigh and say, "Ok little one."
He bounces happily in the chair. I take him out of it and he once again wraps himself around me and lays his head on my shoulder. I take him to the bathroom and set him down on the sink gently. He almost falls so I move him to the floor. I start running the water and make sure it's nice and warm. I add bubbles and even get some Dino toys in there for him. When I turn around I see him stuck and crying. He was trying to take his shirt off for me and it got twisted.
"Mommy..." he sobs.
"Shhhhhh... it's ok little one. Next time wait for mommy baby boy. Your too little to be doing that." I smile sweetly at him and help him out of his shirt.
He lays down so I can take off his pants and boxers. That's when I smell it. The pee. He blushes embarrassed. I look at him and feel the confusion in me. Something bad must've happened while I was gone today. But I remind myself that now is not the time to ask. I gently peel off the boxers only to find them stuck with poop too. Everything in me wants to cringe but I resist. He starts to cry. I look at him and smile.
"It's ok baby boy. It happens to everyone. Ok.?" He nods and the tears slowly stops. I get him a little wet and that helps to unstick the boxers. Then I clean him up with wipes and stick him in the bath gently. He sees the toys and claps happily. I ruffle his hair smiling.
"I'll be right back ok little one.?" I say. He nods and I walk out and go to my closet. I get a onesie and some adult diapers. I come back with both about 15 minutes later. My bathroom is a water world. I smile at him and he smiles back giggling. I would be mad if I had set any rules down. As I hadn't I decided that it would slide. For now. I wash him gently. Starting with the hair. He almost falls asleep and moans gently while I massage his scalp. I rinse his hair then I get a wash cloth and put some soap on that. I gently wash his upper body and feet and then I stand him up and wash his legs. When I get to his butt and prince parts I look up at him. He is blushing and I could tell he was starting to come out of little space.
"May I..?" I whisper. He nods slowly. I wash his butt slowly and thoroughly, getting any poop I didn't get earlier. I move to his prince parts and wash it gently and as quickly as I could while being thorough. Then I finish by making sure there's no soap on him at all. I help him out and wrap a big warm towel around him gently.
"Do you want me to leave..?" I ask.
He shakes his head and looks at the onise and diaper. The onsie is a dinosaur and the diaper has a Dino on it. He smiles a little and slips back into little space.
"Mommy I needs help.." he says looking at me. I smile and help dry him off and gently lay him back down on the floor. I put the baby powder and corona on his rash from earlier and put the diaper on him gently. He looks so cute in it. I then dress him in the dino onsie. When he sees himself in the mirror he roars and comes and attacks me playfully. I laugh and tickle him gently.
"Bed time little one." I say gently.
"I no sweepy yet mommy.." he protests while he yawns.
I laugh and pick him up. He wraps his small body around mine and lays his head on my shoulder. I smile and take him back to his room and lay him in his bed and tuck him in. He hugs George and sapphire to him and looks at me sleepily.
"Bed time story..?" he asks shyly.
"Of course cutie." I say back. He blushes and hides his face. I put a guard rail up on his bed so he won't fall out (or get out) before I wake him. He looks at it and smiles at me. I read him a story about an egg that falls off a wall and no one can put him together again. By the end of it he is fast asleep. I lean down and kiss his forehead.
"Goodnight baby boy." I whisper.
As I clean everything up around the house and throw away his messy boxers and pants I can't help but hope he stays in little space. I love having someone to take care of again. But I also worry about what happened to make him regress. Was it just the tv show or was it something more.?

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