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Getting ready to go to my moms didnt take long enough. Lily came and picked us up. This made Max really happy as he and Dylan had hit it off. The car ride was a quiet one and also didnt take long enough. I found myself fidgeting with the bottom of my shirt as we walked up the side walk to my moms door. Her nurse opened it and the boys stayed back while we went and saw her. There she was. Laying on a bed with every tube imaginable coming out of her. Just laying there. Her full eyes found us in the brightly lit room. The room itself stood in sharp contrast to the situation at hand. Bright yellow walls that seemed to glow in the sunlight that drifted through lacy curtains. Flowers all over the place from all of the people who cared enough to send them but not enough to come see her off. Lily and I approached the bed. When we got to the end of it we split and walked up the separate sides until we stood near our moms hands. The machine took a raspy breath in for her and held it and then let it out. The nurse walked in.
"As soon as I remove this tube your mother will have roughly 10 minutes till her lungs give out. And that's at the most. You might not get anything at all. But shes insisting on trying."
We both nodded and the tube was removed. Our mom coughed and stared up at us. For a second it seemed like she wasnt going to be able to intake a breath of air but she was too stubborn not to. The breath was hard to take in and even harder to let out. But she had something to say so she would say it. Like always. She looked to lily first and her hand reached up and shakily cupped her cheek.
"My sweet lily. Look how beautiful you've become. I wish you all the love and happiness I never got in my life. You.. you deserve it."
Tears were streaking down my sisters face and all she could do was nod. My moms head slowly turned to me and time seemed to start to pass slower. She looked at me and touched my hand.
"My brave rose. Keep that fire that burns inside your chest when you are fighting for what you believe. I have always loved our fights my daughter and there has never been a day I wasnt proud of you. Keep fighting.. keep fighting for me." The heart monitor beeped one more time as she let out one more shaky breath and then stopped. Tears were streaking down my face. I couldnt believe it. I couldnt believe it. I felt lily's arms around me, leading me out into the hall. We stood in each others arms for a long time just crying. Keep fighting? I thought she hated how I never agreed with her. I guess I was wrong. But why were those words so important now? Time passed too quickly again and now I didnt have the time to ask my mom anything. Two sets of arms enveloped the two of us. Dylan and Max had found us and the four of us stood there for a long time just soaking in the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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