Chapter Ten: Vanilla Ice Cream

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I feel her left me up and tuck me into my bed. I feel the kiss on my forehead and I let myself slip into a deeper sleep. While I sleep I dream of her. She comes in and I'm in a dino onsie that looks like a cute t-Rex. She calls me cute and picks me up and feeds me and just everything a caregiver should do for a little she does. It's the best feeling in the world and relaxes me so far while I sleep that I wake up in my little space. I smile big. The sun is already coming into my room. I look at the clock and it says 10:00. Wow. I haven't slept that late in a long time. I also hadn't gotten that good of a sleep for a long time either. I get up and stretch and look around my room. It was all clean! That's weird. I could've sworn that I feel asleep at the table in the middle of a tea party with sapphire and George. The memory of her tucking me in last night rush in and I few loved and taken care of. I wonder if she's up yet. I go to her room and peek in. She must be up because the door is open and the bed is empty. Weird. She would've come woken me up right? Panic feels my stomach but I force myself to breath. It's ok I think to myself. I'm sure she's in the living room. I go there and it's empty. Now I'm really panicking as I race into the kitchen. There's a note. This is what it read.
I'm sorry your waking up alone this morning. I had to get up super early to go to school and work. We were up so late last night that I thought you might just want to sleep for a while longer. :) I left some sandwiches for you in the fridge and the cereal is in the cabinet on your left. Clifford should still be in the DVD player. This is your home now too. :) Have a good day. I should be home around 7:30 this evening.
I sigh. A whole day by myself? Boring. Hmmm. I get the cereal and milk out and make me a couple of bowls and watch a few episodes of Clifford. I actually get bored doing this so I decide to go for a walk. I leave the house and pause on the front porch. So much had changed in the course of three days. I take a deep breath in and smile, loving my new life. I walk over to a park first and play on the swings for a little bit. That's when I see her. She struts over to me and smiles. I shrink away from her and look down.
"There you are slut!!!" she says, sounding relieved but I know she really isn't. She grabs my chin roughly and growls at me, "you had better look mommy in the eyes slut!" She then proceeds to slap me. I wince and start to tear up.
"Don't you cry!" she yells and grabs me by the ear and drags me to her van. In the back she shoves my face between her legs and tries to force me to eat her out. I refuse.
"Do you want to be spanked slut??" she asks while glaring down at me. I stare defiantly back up at her and say in a shaky voice, "I don't wanna.."
"I don't wanna" she mocks me and shoves me down onto her again. Again I refuse and she glares.
"Fine." And she pulls me over her lap and strips me and slaps my ass first with her hand then with her brush and then with her paddle. It hurt so much that to cope I regressed. All the while her driver is going somewhere. I can feel the car moving. She tells him to stop and throws me out.
"You're worthless." she says and then spits on me. I walk back home crying my eyes out and when I finally get there it's 3:00 pm. Why did I have to go out? I open the door and walk in and look around. It's so peaceful here. I close the door and lock it behind me. Then I go and take a shower and play with some of the toys in there. I can feel myself regressing. I accept it this time though. Rosie won't be back for a while so I should be ok. After my shower I dress in some jeans and a marvels t-shirt. Smiling I walk into my room and pway for a wittle bit. But then I gets bored. So I try watching Clifford. But then that isn't wight either. So I bring all my toys into the living woom!!! Hehehe. It's wonderful to pway with all of them!!!! And watch Clifford!! Hehehe!!

I wake up and look around confused. It's dark now. And all my stuffs are gone! I start to panic until I notice Rosie. She had obviously come back from my room which means she clean my mess up again. I sit up slowly and yawn. My tummy growls at me and I look at her.
"I hungie" I say to her sleepily.
She smiles and comes over and picks me up. I wrap myself around her and bury my head into her neck. She smells so good. Like vanilla ice cream! Hehe. Before I know she sets me down in a high chair and gently locks me in. I pout a little. I was perfectly fine where I was!! Then my tummy growls and reminds me why we are in the kitchen anyway. I watch as she makes me some food. I have regressed so far that I don't even know what it is. She sits it down in front of me and I look at her and smile.
"Mommy... feed me..." I say. She smiles at me and begins feeding me. I get full fast but I don't want to disappoint her. I continue eating until it's all gone.
"All gone mommy!!" I tell her proudly. She smiles at me again.
"I know baby boy!! Mommy is so proud of you!" She smiles big at me. I look down happily and notice how messy I am. I have all sorts of food and glitter and just everything on me.
"I messy and sweepy mommy.... mommy.. mommy bath me..?" I ask her hesitantly. I can feel something inside me resisting it. But I don't understand why. Mommy would never hurt me. Mommy looks unsure. I don't understand why. She's done this before to me. Hehe.
"Are you sure you want mommy to give you a bath little one..?" she asks me. The same odd feeling stirs within me again but I shake it off. Mommy would never hurt me. I nod humming Clifford's theme song happily.
She sighs a little and says, "ok little one." She picks me up gently and I wrap my body around her and nuzzle my head into her shoulder relaxing. I love the smell of vanilla ice cream. She takes me into the bathroom and sets me on the counter. I fall forward trying to keep close to her. She catches me gently and sets me on the ground. I smiles up at her. She turns around and gets the bath ready for me. I decide I wanna help mommy. I try to take my shirt off. Seems simple but I end up stuck. I start to panic. I'm stuck. I'm stuck. Sobs start to close my throat.
"Mommy...." I sob hoping she turns around.
"Shhhh... it's ok little one. Next time wait for mommy baby boy. You're too little to be doing that." Her gently hands easily untwist my shirt and slide it off. She pushes me back gently and I lift my butt so she can take off my jeans. She slides them off slowly and that's when I smell my pee and poo. I blush deeply embarrassed. What will mommy thing..? I ask myself. I start to cry. She looks at me with concern and smiles sweetly at me.
"It's ok baby boy. It happens to everyone. Ok..?" she says reassuringly. I instantly feel better and I nod. She gets me a little wet and gently peels my boxers off. It stings a little but not too badly. Spankings sting worse. I feel the cold of the wipe on my butt and hold my legs up to make it easier for her. After she's done she picks me up gently and sits me in the warm bath water. It's filled with toys!! Yay!! I clap my hands excitedly and feel her ruffle my hair.
"I'll be right back little one.?" I say. I only nod as I'm already zoned into my game. The Dino's were fighting the ducks for territory and the unicorn was trying to make peace. A big fight breaks out and water goes everywhere. She walks back in and looks around. She smiles at me and I giggle back at her. She comes and kneels by the bath tub and puts some shampoo in her hands. Then I feel her touch my scalp gently starting to massage the soap into my hair. The feeling stirs in me again. Mommy is never this nice to me. She always makes me wash myself. Hmmm. But it feels so good.  I lean into her touch humming softly. She rinses the soap out of my hair and repeats the process with the conditioner. I'm loving this so much. Then she rinses my hair out and gets the bottle of body soap and a wash cloth. Big mes voice finally breaks through. 'No!! Wash yourself!!' It says. Why? I think. Mommy would never hurt me. So I let her wash my upper body gently and my feet. Then she rinses me off and has me stand up. She washes my legs. Then she gets to my butt and prince parts and I stare at her frozen. She's not my mommy. The memories of this morning rush back. She can tell I've slipped out of my daze. Instead of backing off and leaving or just doing it she looks up at me.
"May I?" she asks quietly. I find myself nodding. No one has ever asked what I wanted before. She gently washes my butt and prince parts, making sure no nasties was left. I look over at the dino onsie and diapie she had brought back. I let myself slip back into little space. She hadn't hurt me. So I knew she wouldn't. She finishes by making sure there's no more soap left on me and she helps me out. She wraps a big warm towel around me. It's so comfortable.
"Do you want me to leave.?" she asks. I shake my head no and look at the onsie and dino diapie. I decide to let my little side win for now.
"Mommy.. I needs help.." I say cutely. She smiles and drys me off gently and lays me back down on the floor. My butt had rashed up and was painful. Then there was a cooling gel on it and it didn't hurt anymore. I relax more wanting to sleep. She puts the diapie on me and puts the onsie on me. I do a cute dino thing and she says that it's bedtime.
"I no sweepy mommy.." I protest even though I am. She laughs and picks me up. I wrap myself around her body and lay my head on her shoulder. She smells so good. This onsie is so soft. She is laying me in my bed too quickly. I just want to breath her in forever. She tucks me in gently and lays George and Sapphire on the bed with me. I hug them to me.
"Bed time story..?" I ask quietly.
She smiles and says, "of course cutie." I can feel myself blush as I look down embarrassed. I hide my face. When I peek out she's put a guardrail up. I feel safe. I smile. She reads me a story about an egg that falls off a wall and breaks and no one can put him back together again. I fall asleep before the end of it. I feel her kiss my forehead just before I slip off into a deeper sleep.

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