Chapter Eleven: Story Time

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I hear something moving outside my room and sit up a little yawning. I hadn't slept very well at all last night. I couldn't get him regressing so suddenly out of my mind. It wasn't that I minded. It was more that I was very worried about him. I watch as my door slowly creeks open. I know it's Max so I don't freak out. I just look over at my clock and sigh when I see that it's only 4 AM in the morning. I had only been asleep for a couple of hours at most and he has only 3 or 4. I can't really remember right now cause I'm so tired.
He peeks his head in slowly and whispers, "Rosie, are you awake.?"
I smile and find myself nodding before I remember that it's dark and he can't see me.
"Yes I'm awake." I say.
"Can I come in please.?" he asks in a slightly little voice.
"Of course." I say back before I could do something dumb like nod.
He walks in and sits in a chair in the corner of my room. I note that he has changed out of the onsie and probably the diaper. It stings a little but I have to remind myself that he's not officially mine. I'm just helping him for a little while.
"I'm sorry about last night..." he says quietly, interrupting my thoughts.
"Why?" I ask, genuinely confused.
"Because I regressed a lot. In my life people hate when I do that." he answers quietly. I feel a little excited that he feels safe enough to open up to me.
"It's ok." I say back. "I don't mind it really. I've always loved caring for people so it really doesn't bother me at all."
"Thank you." he says and then we sit in silence for what feels like forever.
"So.... would it be bad of me to ask why you regressed..?" I ask hesitantly. I don't want to push him but I really do what to know. I hear him sigh. It takes a while for him to answer. He really is a thinker this one i think while smiling to myself.
"It's a really long story." he says. Which I've found that people, especially littles, say this when they really wanna talk about it but are afraid it's a stupid story or idea.
"I've got all the time in the world." I say in what I hope is a reassuring manner. It seems to work cause he takes a deep breath and begins.
"Well, I guess it all started when I was 17. My best friend at the time was really into bdsm and in particular ddlg and mdlb. He was what he called a switch. Which made sense to me since he was also bi and I don't know it just seemed to me that if you could be gender fluid in that sense you could be a switch. I know that sounds dumb but it's always made more sense in my head. Anyway, one day I walked in on him and his girlfriend at the time. They weren't having sex or anything. He was sitting at this little table coloring and she was sitting there with him just looking at him. The love that was there was so amazing to me. No one had ever looked at me that way. I didn't know what to do so I just kinda froze and stood there. His girlfriend looked up and smiled kindly at me. She didn't look at me the way she looked at him but it was still enough for me to smile back. He looked up and blushed and I could tell he was embarrassed. I quickly told him not to be. That I was just coming in to tell him that I finished my half of our project for school and that we could move onto the next step when he was ready. The blush faded a little from his face and he smiled really big at me. He baby talked to his girlfriend who smiled and looked back at me. The entire time I explained why I was there her I eyes had never left his face. I could sense the she would protect him with her life." He pauses here and in the dim light I see him wipe a tear from his eye. I pat the other side of my bed.
"You can come sit with me if you'd like." I offer. Again I don't want to push him. I just want him to feel comfortable. He gets up and comes over and climbs into bed with me. He snuggles down into the covers and I note that he had left George and sapphire in his room. I could sense that by the end of this story that might be a problem. Hmmm... then I remember my stuffie. I hadn't thought about her in a while but I reached behind my pillow and brought out a very old stuffed cat. I had had it since my childhood and though I didn't ever feel the need to be in little space she had helped with my night terrors for years. I smile at her and pass her to him.
"Just in case ok.?" I say hesitantly. He nods enthusiastically and hugs her to his body.
"What's her name??" he asks, slipping into little space.
"She's had many over the years. But I've always called her kitty. Dumb right.?" I say looking down. I've never showed anyone her. Not since my grandmother had given her to me all those years ago. But I felt like since he was sharing so much with me, the least I could do would be to share something with him as well. He smiles, which I can see now because he is closer in the dark room, and begins again.
"She looked up at me and invited me to join them. I sat down and picked up a crayon and started to color, something I hadn't done for years. That's the first time I entered little space. For 5 months after that I became part of their family. She never kissed me or hugged me but she was super nice and my best friend loved it. Me being their strengthened their bond. I was all too happy to help. Junior year ended and I went back to the shelter. He moved in with her and I haven't heard or seen from them sense. I was sad and I lost my little space for a long time. April of my senior year I was eating in a café studying for some history exam when she"---and when he said she he shuddered like he was frightened, making me want to pull him close. Instead I resisted sensing that this was not the right time. He hugged kitty close to him.---walked in. I looked up and caught her eye and smiled blushing. She came over and asked me how I was and called me little one. I don't know how but she got me to slip back into my little space. I went back to her place and soon I was living there. I was so excited to be out of the shelter. We were perfect for 3 years. 3 years. Or so I thought. But looking back now I can see how she used me for her own pleasure. I always had to do my chores. If not I was whipped. I cooked for her and cleaned. I didn't ever really get much to eat. And she'd have sex with me and beat me whenever she felt like it. We never just sat and colored. My little space slipped away from me again. After this went on for 3 years straight I ran away from her. She would catch me every once in a while and torture me and punish me. That has gone on for the past four. I thought I was finally safe. So yesterday while you were gone I went to the park for some fun and ice cream." His voice cracked here. I had so much anger inside of me. I wanted to hunt this woman down and kill her. But I didn't let any of this show. Instead I reached out to him. My hand gently touched his face.
"Did she force you to do anything..?" I ask gently.
"She tried to force me to eat her out. I hate doing that. Her pussy tastes like shit. Literal shit. She never ever cleans herself. It's so gross. When I wouldn't do she punished me and kicked me out and called me worthless. So I came back here and slipped and forgot. I do that sometimes. It's my escape. When you came home I thought you were my mommy. Not exactly her but what I wanted her to be." He stops here and sighs. I look at him lovingly.
"I would love to be the mommy you want so bad... I know we just met four days ago. But I've never felt so deeply for anyone max. And I'll admit that it scares me. But I'd like to give us a shot. If you want. I can be the mommy your best friend had. I can be that for you. No sex at all unless you want it. We will make rules for each other and just everything..." I let my voice trail off. I realized I had been rambling. Light was starting to come into the room. I glanced at the clock and realized we had been talking for two and a half hours. I looked back at him, able to see his face clearly for the first time today. My anxiety starts to rise up in me. What if he didn't want to and I had just scared him off?? We sit in silence for another hour while he thinks it over. I lay my head on my arms and look out the window and watch the sunrise. Finally he sighs and says, "....."

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