Some Things Never Change

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Chapter 12: Some Things Never Change

Karma's POV:

The doctor came in after mother left and told Nagisa he was free to go. I told him that I had to go to the bathroom, but that wasn't true. He told me he would be on the bench which was just right outside of the hospital. Perfect.

That bitch actually thought I didn't see her plan. I chuckled at her stupidity and removed the mini device off of the door.

She wasn't going to hurt my Nagisa. Even if he wasn't currently still going to sleep in the hospital room I was to be cautious. I went to the bathroom in the hospital room and threw the device in the sink, after completely smashing it of course. I smirked and turned on my heel towards the hospital door and exit.

Nagisa's POV:

"You're finally back. Nagisa, Karma, are all your 'problems' cleared up?" At this I was a bit confused. Problems..? What did Koro-Sensei mean?

"Yes we cleared some," replied Karma. "Although, not all of the problems are solved. And by the way thank you for giving us a month off. We both appreciate it."

I just nodded my head in agreement, even if I didn't know what Karma was fully talking about. Koro-Sensei told us to quickly take our seats before he began class and soon was explaining our new super mathematical algebra.

I didn't pay any mind to his lesson. I was to busy thinking about everything that had happened in the last month. It was now September 20.

I began refreshing and thinking about random thoughts, and this soon did seem rather boring until I had came across one I shouldn't have forgotten.

When I claimed to have my accident of being hit by a truck, I was in a comma. I mean, of course I was, I was hit by a truck! But what seemed interesting and quite odd is that when I was unconscious, I was conscious. I could see myself laying in the hospital bed when I had first reopened my eyes, and I found it odd that I was even in the situation.

Whenever someone would come to visit me or simply walk into the room I was there. I swore it was like an illusion or maybe I was dreaming. Or maybe....

My crystal orbs widened to the max and my breath suddenly hitched as I realized. I wasn't dreaming or illusionating, I was alive, I was awake but I was also asleep. I was in between the center of life an death. My first conclusion had been right. I could have died while in that comma.

Before I could think any further a crumpled note landed onto my desk. I looked up to find it's owner but no one was paying me the slightest attention.

I sighed before I grabbed the note. Uncrumbling the paper I quickly read;

Why were you and Karma gone so long?


I smiled, I knew at some point my friend (or anyone for that matter) would ask this. I got out a pencil and wrote back.

My mother. An accident. Drama. Clalia. Etc. There's been a lot going on.

I looked at Koro-Sensei to see where his gaze was. His back was to me so it seemed like the perfect opportunity.

I threw the paper towards the direction of her desk, but the object missed her desk and instead landed on the floor.

She noticed and dropped her pencil on the floor before picking it up along with the paper. I smiled, we all may be assassins but we were just normal students, we knew how to be sneeky. Being an assassin was only a bonus.

I sudden gun shot could be heard at the back of the class. I already knew who it was without looking.

"Karma!" Koro-Sensei confiscated the dangerous item. "How many times do I have to tell you stop trying firing guns during class." He grumbled.

We all laughted, including Karma. I missed this class and Koro-Sensei. I actually felt as if we were all a big family.


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