Sugar Lemon BubbleGum Sweets

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Yes, I was tagged.

Tagged by: RoshinYuukai234


>>You must repost the rules

>>Write 13 facts about yourself

>>Do it within a week of being tagged

>>Must create a creative title

>>You must tag at least 15 people

>>Don't tag the person who tagged you


1: I am in love with Mika from Owari no Seraph

2: I have glasses, but rarely wear them

3: I have posters of anime on one of my bedroom walls

4: I love yaoi

5: I like Yuri a bit

6: I hate lemons/sex scenes

7: I love romance

8: I have a perky personality

9: I have mood swings

10: I don't have self confidence

11: I love singing

12: I like writing, but think I'm bad at it

13: I hate the anime Sword Art Online, but love Don't Pick Up Girls In The Dungeon


I am going to tag 15 people. You may not know me but I know you.

1: ClearMyMind

2: LizHart29

3: The_Blue_Neko

4: katdorable

5: erodrelle

6: Cupcake2027

7: CocoRates

8: sharkzilla101

9: Karmagisa

10: EmoSama

11: KarmagisaTrash

12: santa_close

13: MadDemonheart

14: Shinigamix3x

15: twistedtxle


If you have questions, about my fanfic please ask on this story part. I will post and answer them here;

For example:

#43: Who is Nagisa Shiota?

Asked by: Fjjakjsnka12

Answer: He is a blue haired boy who looks like and is treated by his mom as a girl. Before (and after) Nagisa was born his mother wanted a girl but received a boy instead, so to fill her desire for a girl she made Nagisa grow his hair out, made him dress as a girl, and even adressed him as a her.







Nagisa Shiota X Karma Akabane [Do You Love Me Like I Do?]Where stories live. Discover now