This Is The End

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Chapter 18: This Is The End

Third Person POV:

Nagisa and Karma stood there in complete silence. Neither of them knew what to say. Did Nagisa want to break up with Karma? Why? What did Karma do wrong? These questions circled in his head.

Karma was astonished and couldn't quite understand what was happening, but at the same time he knew exactly what was going to happen.

"W-What?" He stuttered in utter shock. His poor mind was still trying to comprehend what was happening. Nagisa looked at Karma sadly, and stepped back a bit.

"Look Karma, I only think a relationship will get in the way of the goal." He spoke. "You want to kill Koro-Sensei, right?" He asked, his voice slightly shaking.

Karma came out of his shell shock and responded. "Of course I want to kill him, Nagisa." Karma said softly. "B-But..." Karma paused, and a tear slid down his face as he looked at Nagisa.

"I don't want to l-lose you." He said heartbreakingly. Nagisa's breath hitched at the sight of his Karma crying, but he had to do what he was told to do.

He had to lie to Karma.

It was either have her hurt him or for them to break up.

And he didn't want the first option. Honestly, he hated this too, but there was really nothing he could do that would change her mind. Nagisa sighed. "I'm sorry Karma, but it's for the best." He said.

Karma looked down, his bangs covered his eyes. His shoulders shook slightly, and sniffling sounds escaped his mouth.

"Will we still be friends?" Karma asked. As he said this, the streets began to flood with hard water droplets, like the sky was crying for the two.

Nagisa looked away, and bit his lip. He glanced back at Karma, who was staring at Nagisa waiting for an answer.

"I'm sorry, but no." Nagisa spoke the words a bit harsh, his eyes turning into one of a cold eyed killer, but under those eyes, anyone could tell this was hard to do.

"Why?" Karma looked up at the sky, as the rain poured harder. He closed his eyes as the cold liquid splashed onto his face in little droplets.

Nagisa sighed once more. "I'm going to a remote place." He told Karma. "I'm finding my mom, and it may be years before I come back." Nagisa admitted.

Karma's eyes widened. "Why are you going with her?!" He suddenly lashed out in anger. He yelled. "Why would you go with someone who abandoned you, and tried to kill me!" Karma said with anger.

Karma took a deep breath and asked.

"Why are you leaving me?" Nagisa answered him almost immediately.

"Trust me Karma," He paused. "I don't really have a choice, she'll kill you!" His voice got louder and louder with each word.

"Who?" Karma asked. "Who would be able to kill me?!"

Nagisa sighed and shook his head. "She's a murder!" He agrued back. "She's kill almost 300 people!" He yelled.

Karma just stared at Nagisa as his eyes began to water as well. "T-Trust me Karma," He tried to calm down by taking a deep breath. "If I had a choice I'd stay with you."

The words hit Karma, and began crying a little harder. "Can," He choked on his words. "Can I at least have a hug?" He asked Nagisa.

Nagisa nodded and walked over to Karma. Karma wrapped his arms around Nagisa, and the two hugged each other tight.

Nagisa pulled away, and then stood on his toes a bit, to kiss Karma. Their tears pouring out of our eyes, even after the two pulled away from each other.

"I'll see you in a few years, Karma." Nagisa claimed.

Karma nodded. "I'll be waiting." And they both shared a smile one last time.

"Goodbye." Karma farewelled, before Nagisa turned around and walked away, muttering a small goodbye as well.

Karma stared at Nagisa as the other part of him walked away. He fell to his knees and cried as hard as the rain.

Karma sniffled and looked in the direction Nagisa left.

He yelled one last thing to Nagisa, who was out of sight, because of the forming fog.

"Just so you know, Nagisa. I'll never forget you! I'll always love you." He yelled.

Not to far away, Nagisa heard him and said quietly to himself. "I'll miss you, Karma. I love you too." And with that he walked away from his past love life,

Into a new fucked up future.


I'm not proud of this chapter at all. Its already been rewritten 3 times now.

But sadly that's it guys! My first fanfic is over and I gladly thank you for reading, commenting, and voting. Vote and comment, if you would like the sequel.

If I decide to actually post the sequel, I'll post up a part.

Words: 761+ A/N= 832

~Lena <3

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