Chapter 7

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Alex's POV

I woke up to the bright sunlight shining through my open window and making me completely, 100% blind. Ugh. I was definitely not a morning person, and today I was getting school supplies. My student loan would work well, some on supplies, some on a fuck off night out, yeah..

I got ready and was about to leave when Skype popped up,

'Djh3max - hey, it's the airport dude'

Ah. He's got one weird username. I added him and we started chatting, and then he asked if I wanted to call, so we did.

"Hey, you look nice." He complimented.

"Hey, I was going to get supplies for school when you added me." I said.

"At half 10?!" He asked.

"Half 11, we're an hour ahead of Vegas." I corrected.

"Ah. I'm so jet lagged..." He complained.

"Same. I never got your name by the way, djh3max" I laughed.

"Ross, and I never got yours, poprocks?" He said as he smirked.

"Alex. Glad to be of service." I joked.

"It's crazy to think I'm 4 hours away from you, but in 2 weeks, I'm leaving and you're staying forever." He said.

"Tell me about it. 17 and I'm here" I said.

"How's uni working out for you?" He asked.

"They call it college over here, it's okay, I met a girl called Rosa and a guy called Chris, and they're cool. I miss London though" I admitted.

"I have a friend called Chris, he's with me! And we now live in Bristol, I'm originally from Swindon though" He told me.

"London born and raised, what do you guys do to be traveling around America?" I asked.

"YouTube, I'm the 'H' in hat films, we're part of you the yogscast. We make videos on the interweb" He said.

"My brothers mentioned you a few times, but I've never watched a video from you guys." I confessed.

"ROSS ARE YOU FUCKING READY!?" Someone yelled in his background.

"Sorry, I have to go, do you play minecraft?" He asked.

"Yeah, who doesn't." I replied.

"Do you wanna play tonight at 8:10 your time?" He asked.

"I'd love to, call me then, see yah!" I smiled.

"Good day." He said, waving. I then hung up and grabbed my jacket for the second time before going out!

I ended up getting:

-MacBook Pro
-Canon camera
-2 memory sticks
-Laptop sleeve
-Laptop bag
-Smart tv to be delivered
-Amazon FireStick
-Beats headphones
-Some t-shirts..

You can imagine carrying that shit home.

And setting it all up.

And syncing your albums to it.


At least I had a week before college actually starts for me. My smart tv was delivered and I ordered a food shop online to come tomorrow, and then ordered pizza for dinner tonight.

Totally eating healthy mum...pppffttt

And before I knew it, me and Ross were playing minecraft till 3am..

Rosa's POV

"I am so hungover..." Chris moaned, clutching his head and stomach as he sat on the couch.

"Well there goes my question of how are you doing." I joked.

"Shush, turn off your mouth siren." Chris ordered, waving his hand randomly and pushing me away. 

"Well, I'm going out, so you have the dorm to yourself." I grabbed my bag and left, seeing his hands over his ears and hearing him groan. 

Chris's POV

Oh my God, I drank so much last night. I am so hungover. I am seriously regretting my choices. There was a loud knock on the door and I winced before standing up and dragging my feet to open the door.

"Hello. Rosa here?" Alex asked.

I winced again and shook my head.

"Hang over?" Alex guessed with a knowing smirk. I nodded, making a gesture with my hand to tell her to be quiet. "Nice."

"How is this nice?" I asked.

"I was joking, wow." Alex said, rolling her eyes.

"Rosa went out, I'm going to go be hungover. Bye." I closed the door and went back to the couch.

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