Chapter 10

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Alex's POV

I was so happy! My latest project got an A+! Woo! And it was Friday, and I was going skating tomorrow with a new friend I'd met named Nathan, today was actually going alright!

I walked back from the last lecture for a good 2 weeks, got changed and opened the wine! I think Rosa's gone out, she's probably in the library. And Chris will be hungover at the nearest Taco Bell.

Just then there was a knock on my door, I opened it to find a man and a women, who both kinda looked like Rosa.

"Hey, can I help you?" I asked.

"We're looking for Rosa Hellstrand? I'm Arwin and this is Rythian." The woman, Arwin, said.

Ross you potato-dick-motherfucking-bitch.

"Hey, you probably know who I am, Alex, I'll ring Rosa now." I said.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked.

"You might wanna come home now." I said.

"What? Wh-" She said, as I cut her off.

"She'll be here any second, I'll leave you too it." I said, closing my door, I opened my MacBook and Skype Ross.

"Hey babe." He greeted.

"Don't hey babe me, you fucking told them about Rosa" I said, pissed off.

"No, actually Trott and Smith did, I said nothing. Literally the word 'nothing'." He promised.

"Nah it's true, we told them, don't blame Ross." Trott said.

"You fucking dicks! They're outside my dorm room!" I exclaimed.

"Shit, they actually meant that crap about flying over!" Smith cursed.

"When I come home in a few weeks for the college half term, you two are both dead." I warned.

Rosa's POV

The call ended, she had hung up. I sighed, stuffing my phone in my pocket and turning towards Ryder. "Babe, I gotta go." I said, peaking him on the cheek. "I'll text you later, okay?"

He looked a little sad, but smiled, "Sure. I'll be waiting."  I went back to my dorm room and found it empty. I was just about to go ask what was so important that I had to come back was, when there was a knock on the door. I opened the said door to see my godparents Becky and Duncan.

"Hi, guys!" I greeted happily, trying to hide my confusion. To be honest, I was angry, although I didn't know why.

"Rosa, it's been awhile." Duncan said. He and Becky hugged me for a second.

"Rosa..." A voice from behind Becky and Duncan said. They moved and I saw Arwin and Rythian. I glared at them and didn't say anything.

"Look, I know you're mad at us..." Arwin said, her voice pitying and apologetic.

This was my breaking point.


"That, we can explain." Rythian said. "We wanted to raise you, we really did, but the government took you away from us and had you raised in an orphanage. We tried to visit you, we really did. But we needed a reason to and the orphanage owner didn't believe that we were your parents, because 'otherwise you wouldn't be in the orphanage'. We really did, and still do, love you." Rythian-no, Dad, promised. I knew that there were tears in my eyes and I was sure of it as I felt a cold drop of water slide down my face. They looked at me, and I ran up and hugged them. I had wanted to believe that my parents loved me, and now I knew they did.

"I... I..." I had trouble forming the words I wanted to, my mouth was dry and there were tears running down my face steadily now, but I was... happy? Yes, I was definitely happy here.

Short chapter, I know, I know. I expect some Jaffas to be thrown at my face or something... 

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