Chapter 2: "Random Acts of Kindness"

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A hooded figure shadowed over him, causing him to look up, curiousity flooded him.

He was filled with a little spark of hope and that the person who owned the shadow would help him and wasn't one of Chunji's equally menacing gang mates..

The stranger spoke such kind words, words he had never heard ever in his entire existence.

Upon hearing his voice , Baekhyun found out that it was a boy.

"Are you all right?" The mysterious boy said, as he held out his hand, offering help.

Chunji was angered by the sudden interruption,

"Who the hell are you?!" He screamed out in frustration.

But the boy ignored Chunji's naive outburst and continued to offer Baekhyun help.

"Come on, take my hand. I'll help you."

Baekhyun was moved by his act of chivalry, he grabbed the stranger's hand and in a blink of an eye, was now in his arms as he walked over to his wheelchair.

He sat him down on the wheelchair gently, Baekhyun was in utter bliss, feeling a bizarre emotion inside his once destroyed heart, while Chunij's rage was growing stronger and stronger as he trmbled in anger.

"Are you finished, white knight?!" Chunji yelled sarcastically trying to grab his attention. And it worked since the stranger turned his gaze over to him.

"Tch. So, you like bursting in on people, aye? Why don't you fight me and see how "tough" you really are!"

Chunji demanded with his fists clenched in hatred. But the stranger didn't cower in fear though, and instead uttered a simple reply,


"You've got guts, But, I'm not gonna let ya' go that easy!" Chunji threw a punch, but the stranger effortlessly evaded it.

He was shocked.

"Tch. You're good." He threw one punch after the another but the stranger sucessfully avoided them all. Chunji was out of breath, filled with frustration.

"You s-stuborn piece of--" He was swiftly stopped by a powerful jab to the jaw which knocked him out.

"You talk too much." The stranger said in an aloof manner.

Baekhyun was in awe, that guy was just simply amazing!

"Y-you ...." Baekhyun stuttered,

"defeated Chunji..."

The stranger took his hood down only to reveal his rather pale face.

"So?" He questioned in a superior tone.

"The jerk deserved it for hurting an innocent kid like you."

Baekhyun's cheeks began to heat up... He quickly hid his blushing face using his handkerchief, hoping he hadn't noticed.

The stranger shot up a questioning look because of his sudden odd gesture.

"What are you doing? I-is your nose bleeding?" He asked with such concern in his voice.

Baekhyun was so distracted that he forgot all about his nose.

"u-uhh... y-yes." He replied, his face is still covered behind his handkerchief.

"Well, let me take a look then!" The stranger said as he stepped closer to him, causing him to blush even more.

"N-no! Don't! My nose is f-fine." He lied hoping he'd leave him be, since he was afraid of having his super obvious blush exposed. But the stranger wasn't that stupid and was persistent on removing the handerkchief .

"Just let me see! I might be able to stop the bleeding!"

His hands were trying to pull the cloth away and baekhyun was as nervous as heck.

"No! D-dont, just, " He panicked.

" I dont trust you!"

The stranger ceased his persistence and felt annoyed, "Ugh! You cant trust the person who helped you from the bully?"

Baekhyun felt relieved since he's stopped persisting him about removing the handkerchief from his face, and continued with his pathetic excuse,

"Yeah, I don't even know your name.."

The stranger let out a sigh as he looked away,

"It's Chanyeol..."

Baekhyun's face began to cool down and he was finally able to put the cloth down

"Well, I-I'm Baekhyun... And thank you for saving me back there.."

"Tch. you know, you might be bipolar." Chanyeol chuckled.

He quickly turned his gaze back to Baekhyun's face and immediately noticed his bloody nose,

"What the-!"

"Your nose really is bleeding!" He said as he raised Baekhyun's head up.

"What are you doing?!"

"Shut up! Keep your head up, the blood's flowing out of your nose like crazy!" Chanyeol then tried to push the wheelchair out of the alley.

"Gah! the wheel's busted! I guess I'm gonna have to carry you."

Baekhyun started to feel embarassed.

"Uhhh.. I-I..." He stuttered yet again.

"No, don't carry me! Look at you, you're obviously tired" He protested, flailing his arms around like a mad person.

"Fine! Wrap your arm around my neck, and I'll just support you."

"O-ok." Baekhyun did what Chanyeol told him, and at that exact moment he remembered the photo.

"Ah, wait!" He exclaimed pointing at the photo lying on the ground, which Chanyeol immediately spotted.

"So, is that yours?" He asked as he grabbed the photo and gave it back to Baekhyun.

"Um, yes." He sheepishly replied.

"Was that your mother?" Chanyeol asked.

"Y-yes...." Baekhyun answered shyly.

"Aww... she's a lovely lady. You better take good care of her."

Baekhyun was stunned by what he'd just heard,

Everyone in the village knew about his mother's dark past and she was shunned by them. Chanyeol was obviously unaware of that fact, leaving him to wonder whether he was from the village or not.



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