Flashback: Monsters in the Closet

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-The year 1988-

Chanyeol's mother and father were out on a business trip. They left him in the care of his grandmother but since she keeps on falling asleep, he decided to pay his lonesome pal a visit.

He snuck out of his room, tiptoeing towards the front door. His grandma was fast asleep in her recliner. He was careful not to wake her.

He opened the door and off he went, running as fast as he could.

He'd finally arrived his pal's home and knocked on the door. He heard someone say "Come in." and he did,

"Baekhyun? Where are you? It's me, Chanyeol!" He hollered.

But the hall was dark and silent, he obviously wasn't in here.

"Chanyeol...please come quick!" Baekhyun called, his voice quivering in fear.

Chanyeol dashed to where the voice came from and went inside his bedroom, only to find a terrified Baekhyun hiding under a thin sheet, trembling.

This caused him to worry and immediately ran to his side, shaking him.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, gently tugging on his shoulder.

Baekhyun was unresponsive but he did point towards his closet.

"Oh, you're afraid of the closet?" He asked sincerely, chuckling silently at his naive friend.

"There's a monster inside! Please..make it...go away!" He pleaded.

"But Baekhyun there are no monsters-"

"No! Monsters are real! They come every night!" Baekhyun argued.

Chanyeol shook his head and decided to humor him, just so his imaginative pal could finally ease up from the fear.

He stepped closer to the creepy closet and gave it a fearsome stare as little Baekhyun watched from his bed.

"Hey you! Don't you dare hurt my pal!" Chanyeol yelled at the closet.

He caught Baekhyun's attention and he went ahead with his act, pretending to actually communicate with it!

"Huh?! What do you mean you won't leave him be!?"

"That's it! I'm gonna go teach ya' a lesson for scaring people!" He shook his fist at it before going inside and shutting the door behind him, still pretending to fight the 'closet monster'.

Baekhyun leaned in forward, worrying for his pal. He almost had a nervous breakdown as he called for him.

Chanyeol kicked and punched the closet walls to make it sound like they were really having a fight.

Soon he had defeated the 'monster' and crawled out of the closet, acting like he had such a tough fight.

Baekhyun reached in and dragged Chanyeol in for a hug, crying.

"Don't you ever do that again! I thought you were gone!" He cried, shutting his eyes in relief.

Chaneyol looked down at him with a sympathetic smile, the sight of little Baekhyun was just too cute. He DID care for him.

He let out a small chuckle and patted his head,

"You know I'd do anything for a friend in need. Even if it might cost my life. And Baekhyun, you are my friend. I won't let anyone or anything hurt you. They'd have to go through me first!" He said, trying to calm Baekyun down.

"Another monster used to come for me every night, but that was before I met you... I thought he'd finally left, but he recruited another one and it lived in my closet!" He cried.

Chanyeol cradled him in his arms, telling him that it was over now and he was finally safe.

"So the monster's gone, right?" Baekhyun asked, wide-eyed, hope glimmering in his big eyes.

Chanyeol hugged him even tighter and whispered,

"Yeah, they won't hurt you anymore."

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