Chapter 11

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I wake up the next morning to a bright light shining through the blinds otherwise known as the sun; I open my eyes instantly being blinded. At first I was confused when I felt the presence of a pillow by my side. Then I remembered that I had brought Vic back to my place after last night and put a pillow in between us so he would feel more comfortable to sleep in my bed.

He was a wreck last night. I felt bad for him. There was so many unexplained things that happened last night and as much as I wanted to ask, I don't because he had the right to explain when he wants to. My curiosity was urging me to ask, but I'm not going to in case he doesn't want to tell me about it.

I stretch in bed, accidentally waking up Vic in the process. He stirred and groaned, surely as a headache made its way to his head.

"Good morning sleepy head," I said softly. His head jerked to the side as he looked at me confused. He rubbed his eyes and then a look of realization came across his face.

"Kellin. I, am so sorry about last night," Vic said in a raspy voice that made me crumble at the fingertips.

"Don't worry about it Vic. You're not the first person I've helped. I just- your friends left you there so it felt like the right thing to do."

"They left me?" He asked.

"Yeah. . . I'm sorry Vic," I said in a concerned voice. He frowned and shook his head letting a bitter laugh escape his mouth. It was my turn to frown seeing as his act confused me.

"Why are you laughing like that?" I asked.

"Because they drugged me and left that's why. Were they trying to kill me; they almost succeeded," he spat.

"If they drugged you, why didn't you tell Alan and I? You could have died in front of my eyes. Didn't that bother you at all?"

"It did, but I couldn't tell you," he said sitting up in the bed. I sat up with him.

"I'm sorry. Is that what you want me to say?" I asked kind of hurt that he didn't tell me. It came out bitter, but I didn't know how else to say it so that it would stick in his mind.

"No. I'm sorry. You're right, I should have told you, but I couldn't then, and I can't now. Maybe one day, but today it isn't going to happen," he explained. He laid his head back down on the pillow. He let out a frustrated sigh and rested his and over his eyes to block the protruding light from the blinds. His hair was a mess. I assumed his life was too. He led on a facade that fooled me, but in this moment I knew there was more to him then I never expected.

He was the first to get me thinking about why I do what I do. I always say that it's because I wasn't really raised right. My mother died and I needed a way to cope, and that way was sex. But I don't want to base everything I do off of what happened to my mother, because for all I know, I could have gone the complete opposite way and have turned into a God fearing Christian, but I'm not. Instead I'm a male prostitute who stands on the streets of New York at night, hoping someone will pick me up and take me home so I can get paid for the night.

I can't blame my mom's death for that. It was my job to figure myself out, and I chose one of the worst options other then addiction. I wish a had gone the other way. I wish I had done what was right, but it's too late now.

"Do you maybe have a shower I could use, and some aspirin. This head ache is killing me," Vic said sleepily from beside me.

"Yeah follow me," I said getting up. I led him to the bathroom and turned the shower on for him. While it was warming up, I got him some extra clothes to wear which consisted of a tank top and a pair of sweats. I got his aspirin from the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and gave him his items before leaving the bathroom, shutting the door on my way out.

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