Chapter 17

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After grabbing all my things from my hotel room, and saying goodbye to the few people I met here, I got a message from Vic saying he was outside the hotel. I'm ready for this talk, I've been mentally preparing myself for this for the past couple of hours.

I saw his car the second I walked out the automatic doors. He was parked in the loading zone, waiting for me. I opened his car door and sat down. I didn't look at him, I didn't have the courage to do so.

"Kellin?" He said. He sounded broken, hurt, betrayed. "Kellin, look at me."

I turned my head and my eyes met his. He was so calm and peaceful. What the hell is wrong with him? Shouldn't he be pissed and yelling at me like he was last night? I know I would be doing that. Its almost scary that he's so calm right now. Its even scarier that I can't tell what he's thinking.

"I'm sorry," he said with a sigh. He turned back to the steering wheel and started to drive off in the direction of home.

"You're sorry?! I should be the one saying I'm sorry. I'm an idiot for leaving you alone like that. I wasn't aware that your drunk self would be drinking and driving. How are you even still alive?!" I asked huffing.

"That's why I'm sorry. I made you worry," he said. I almost smacked him in the face. He has to be joking.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked incredulously.

"Um... yes? Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because, I'm supposed to be the one saying sorry. I'm the one who needs to say sorry because I left you."

"So then why didn't you say it first?" He asked like that was obvious. He's right, I should have said something first, but I didn't and he beat me to it. Then, everything I had rehearsed before was thrown away in a split second.

"I like you, Vic," I said. As soon a as the words left my mouth, I closed my eyes tight, and smacked myself in the head. "I wasn't supposed to say that." He chuckled at me. I was not only embarrassed, I was horrified. Emotions aren't just my forte.

"So if you like me, why did you run off?"

"Vic, I'm scared. I'm a fucking prostitute for crying out loud. I've never been treated with the proper respect everyone else gets in years. Besides my friends, I've had no one to show me what love is," I said.

"So you decide to run away?" He asked, his eyebrows raised.

"It was a defense mechanism," I pouted. I hated this conversation.

"What do you need to defend yourself from? From liking me? Kellin you can trust me you know," He reminded me.

"I don't know Vic. There's things to me that Alan or even Justin when he was alive didn't know. And if we were ever to become a thing, I'd have to tell you those things about me," I said. Worry filled me. I really didn't want to tell him what was going on in my life. It was embarrassing, he could never want someone like me if I told him.

"Yeah Kellin, that's usually how trust works," he said, sounding offended.

"I'm sorry I'm cautious about the people I let in my life. I've been hurt before," I said.

"And I have too. But if you base your entire life off of getting hurt, the real world is going to smack you in the face," he was really fighting for me. On one hand I was swooning at the thought that somebody actually wants to be with me. But on the other, I was mad because he was offending me.

"You have no idea what I've been through and if I've experienced the real world or not," I said fury laced in my voice.

"And that's why you should tell me so I can help you through the real world. In case you were wondering, that's how relationships work since you've been so cooped up and busy with the prostitute life," he spat out. He was bitter and angry, but so was I. His comment hurt more then it should have, and I knew he only said it because of the tension in the air.

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