Ghastly Emotions

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As i close my eyes i realize, I feel almost demeanor, my comportment has not been the best lately.. My judgment has been weak, too, too, weak. I don't seem to have power or even reasoning of how and why this is. My equal amount of persistence isn't equivalent anymore, its less.. Much much less. At the same time though. It's much more than i could ever imagine.

I've been staring at the ceiling much more recently, almost as if the world itself would pass me by in a blink. I shook my head completing the idea in my head. I open my eyes back up and move my hands throughout the grass.

"Are you comfortable Kankri?"  I stare at the grey sky before putting my hand up almost like i was trying to reach for the planets beyond it.

"Y-Yes... I am. Thanks Cronus..." I once again tilt my head to look into his deep violet eyes and almost and indigo shade of hair due to the lighting.

I don't really remember much of what life was like before i went into that coma, but ever since i've woke up, more an more things have began to change...
I feel Cronus shift his weight and begin to slowly lift me to a seating position and then stand up. 

"Where are you going?" He shakes his head before helping me up. I close my eyes for a moment. and feel his arms an body wrap around me as he whispers my name.

I'm scared... Scared of everything.... Scared of the future...

Now i feel him let go and when i open my eyes i see him on the ground.

"I have a question to ask you okay? Don't be startled i won't hurt you..." I stare down at him void of emotions.

"Yes Cronus?"

"Will you be my forever matespri-..... I-I mean will you marry me?" He takes out a box and takes a ring from it.

"Cronus.... I-I......."

I feel my eyes fill with warm red tears.


A Broken Promise For A Fish [CronKri]Where stories live. Discover now