A Wish From a Fish

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What happened?
I was at the party a few minutes ago.
Why is it so dark.
Anyone there?
Can you turn on the light the dark can be very triggering to-


" Chief? Hey you ok there? " I jolted up seeing nothing but brightness for a moment while my eyes adjusted.

" Where am i? " i scrunched me nosed and scratched the back if my head as the hospital room came into focus.

" Oh, never mind. " I looked to the chairs where i saw Cronus.

" Hey chief. glad your awake.. " His voice seemed a bit deeper than last time i heard him speak.

" Yea.. So, what happened.. I don't remember how I've got here.. " He sighed and scratched his head now looking at me with his now violet pupils. Last time i've seen them.. They were black, not this rich violet. They seem almost, attractive i guess? No. But they are defiantly different somehow. And they seem as if.. He's about to-...

Whats with him? its only been about a day since I've passed out.

"Cronus? You know crying for an unknown reason can be triggering to others! " He hid his face.

" S-Sorry Chief I-It's -.."

" Stuttering as well as hiding your face when you speak are also triggers. Cronus, please watch your behavior! " He grunted and stood up.

" It's been almost a full sweep since I've heard your voice! I have been so worried! " i stared at him in disbelief.

Almost a full sweep.. That is about two human years.....

" What happened Cronus? I-I'm confused now.. " he sighed and sat back down.

" On the night of your birthday party... I went up to you and you accidentally choked.. I tried to get it out but i couldn't I had the others call for help and well... Your body had a large lack of air and your brain almost shut down so... until now.. You were in a coma, speaking of which we should get someone.. and visiting hours are almost over. " he sheepishly looked up at me as i processed the information..

" Well do i look any different? "

"Beautiful.. "

" What did you say Cronus? i couldn't quite hear you.. "

" N-Nothing, but you look good.. Your eyes have changed. " i nodded and chuckled.

" So have yours.. " He smirked and nodded.

" Thats good to hear "

A Broken Promise For A Fish [CronKri]Where stories live. Discover now