Sunrises are new Horisons

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I grumbled and opened my eyes to see the light of the sun glaring though the glass window. i squinted until i could actually slightly see before sitting up and stretching and seeing a note at the end of my hospital bed. I could really only see the name without leaning to get it. And of course. Its a note from Porrim. I grunted and attempted to reach for it.I couldn't so i scooted towards in almost making it fall off. Curse my families history of being shorter than others.. I eventually was able to grab for it but it crumpled part of the paper.

I sighed and flattened the paper out before examining what it said.


'Hello Kankri Good Morning. I hope you slept well. I have packed the things you need and they are near the plastic chair near the window. I have contacted Cronus and he said he would be there around 9:00. If you need anything dial 3 into the phone next to your bed. Then ask for me. For now i have other tasks i have to attend to.

- Porrim '


I slightly smiled at least glad she acknowledged the fact that i most likely would wake while she was away. Even if we aren't related really at all, i consider her to be like a mother, always watching over. Always keeping her loved ones safe as best she can.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed seeing that no IV's were attached to me, that meant i could supposably venture off to the front desk of something if i really needed. But gog.. I do feed grimy and dirty. I slapped my feet onto the cold floor and rose up trying not to fall. I did hobble and trip few times but i managed no to fall and hurt myself. However i did have to grip the table connected to the wall so i could check the time.

Hmm.. 8:47.. Cronus is coming at 9:00... Why is the sun coming up around 8:00?! Wouldn't it be earlier?

I began to freak out and as i reached for the phone confused. Next thing a knew the clock turned to 8:50 and i could hear footsteps behind me.

" Hey Chief, you ready? " i quickly turned around to see Cronus once again but i lost my footing and rammed my face into his chest. he wrapped his arms around me so i wouldn't slump to the floor.

" M-My apologies Cronus.. " i felt my face heat up.

" No Kankri, its fine it must be hard to walk again after so long. " I nodded.

He was correct, i'd expected to have some trouble but not this much. He helped me stand back up and walk over to the hospital bed.

" Porrim told me that she put a bag next to the plastic chair near the window in here. Would you mind grabbing it? " He shook his head and went over to the chair and grabbed a dark grey bag and brought it to me. i began to rummage through it and for that it had clean clothes in it and some other small necessities like a toothbrush and a comb along with my old smart phone which was newly charged.

" Should i step out a moment so you could get dressed chief? " I politely nodded.

" I you would please, but ill call for you if i need help. " he nodded and walked out of the room and closed the large curtains around my bed so i could take off the gown and put on my pants and sweater. After i was done i called him back in.

" You want to go now? "

" Yes.. That would be nice. " He helped me walk out and to the front desk. He signed me out and i told the nice woman to tell Porrim thank you before walking outside and feeling a soft yet cool breeze.

That explains why the sun was so late.

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