Chapter 24

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Babes, Words can't even express how sorry I am right now for taking this long to update.
I'm super duper sorry and I hope this super duper long ass chapter makes up for it. I hope you guys like it.
Dedicating the chapter to the super duper awesome WhiteCoconut23.

*Edited by dacasabella*


Zak's P.O.V.

I walked out of the elevator once it reached my chosen floor. The large room was already packed with my fellow coworkers who sat at the various tables, scattered throughout the room, chatting animatedly with each other. Considering it was lunch break, I guess it was appropriate.

Not a single soul could be found sitting alone. Every single person was paired with at least one other person at a table. I supposed this was what happened when you actually made the effort to be social at work. I, on the other hand, had no friends here at all except for Logan and maybe Steve, if you count his scorns and glares, as friendly behaviour.

Most days, I spent my lunch break alone, except for the few times Logan joins me. Nobody had ever come to introduce themselves to me or join me and I'd been working here for two years. That's long enough to at least make one friend, right?

Frankly, I had also never introduced myself to anyone in attempt to make friends with them because I was always afraid I'd embarrass myself. I still had that high school mentality about people which was why I always found them intimidating and thought they'd shut me down or something. Not that I actually had anything to go by because I'd never actually tried and probably never would. I was probably just going to wait until someone actually came up to me to make friends. Hopefully, that happened at some point soon.

But still, most times I wondered why no one had ever bothered. I wasn't rude to anyone, nor did I act pompous or proud because of my position because technically, no one except Logan had power over me.

Was it because I was given this position, being his brother and all? No one was giving me the stinkeye, at least not that I had seen. Did my appearance or behaviour seem unfriendly because I sincerely didn't know why after 2 years of working here, I didn't know a single person's name. I guess I really needed to start working on my communication skills because leaving it up to others was apparently a very poor plan.

I walked to counter and bought a chicken salad and a bottle of water. Yes, I started incorporating healthy foods into my diet. Turns out too much sugar and refined flour isn't healthy for the body. Like I would have known.

As I scanned the room, looking for an empty table, I met Steve's eyes and he immediately glared at me, as he sat down with a couple of people on a table, who then greeted him as he sat down.

'See! Even Grumpy Steve had friends' I seriously needed to make one.

"Is it just me or does that guy always look at you like he wants to burn you alive?", Logan silently asked from beside me, very close to my ear, slightly startling me.

"Could you not ever do that again?", I shifted to the side, hissing at him.

He grinned, raising his hands up and giving me space as we found a table to sit down on.

"And no, he looks at me, more like he wants to chop my head off with an axe.", I said, setting my tray down as I seated myself.

"And why does he always look at you like that?", he asked from the opposite end of me, picking up my fork to try to take a piece of chicken from my plate.

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