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"I can't stay here any longer. I'll go insane...."  I tell Emmett as I sit on the stool behind the shop counter.   Peter's son rolls his eyes as he pulls down a thick book from a high shelf.  I rest my head on my hand and I admire his muscles as he brings down the book.  "At least I have a good view." I mumble to myself.

"Aren't you engaged?" Emmett asks as he brings the book over to me.  I roll my eyes and he laughs.

"A girl can look and as long as I don't touch then I'm good." I tell him and he pushes the book across the counter to me. "What exactly is this?" I ask as I look at the book.  It has no words on the outside and there's a large lock holding it shut.

"This is all the family trees of the dragon riders.  Only a true blood can open it."  He tells me and I stroke the lock.  "My father said it has not been opened in over a hundred years but all the family trees continue to be updated inside by magic."

"And you assume I will be able to open it?" I ask and I look up into his emerald eyes.  Emmett nods and I scowl at the book.  "Let me guess, you don't know how to open it."

"I thought you might have an idea."  Emmett comes behind the counter and sits on the other bar stool.  "We will have to try this later." Emmett quickly hides the book behind the counter and I look and see a middle aged man coming into the store.

THankyfully, my hair is hidden under a black scarf and my clothes are that of a black smith's daughter so hopefully the man will not recognize me.

"Welcome back Professor Rune." Emmett greets as I slip into the back of the store without saying a word.  I hide to the side so I can listen to every word that is said.  "How are you this fine morning?"

"I see your sister is finally back from the Northern Lands.  It's been several years since I saw her last."  Professor Rune replies and I lean closer to listen.  Did Emmett really have a sister?

"Yes, sadly the plague took her ability to speak.  It was a horrible tragedy."  Emmett comes back here and grabs a large sword off the shelf.  He motions for me to come out.  "Emily you remember Professor Rune?"  I nod my head slowly and the man before me studies my movements.

"The Mages could not restore her voice?"

"No they said the damage was too great.  They were able to remove the scars o her face but there was only so much they could do."  Emmett glances at me before he puts an arm around my shoulder.

"I offer my condolences." Professor Rune handed a pouch of gold to Emmett before he took his sword and left.  I waited until he was long gone before speaking again.

"What was that about?" I ask him as Emmett goes back behind the counter and pulls out a large locked chest.  

"Your mother and my mother were sisters.  So many people will believe that you are my sister Emily who actually died in childbirth a few months ago.  She was too young to be taken and when we received word, your father was trying to raise you to become a dragon rider, we kept up appearances that Emily was sick and would come home soon.  In case...."

"In case, I needed help?" I ask and he nods.  "I'm sorry about your sister." I tell him as I hug him gently.  "I know how you must feel." I tell him and he hugs me back.

"Well cousin, things will be fine.  As long as we stick together."  I nod and I pull away when I hear Peter come through the back door.  "It's time to close up.  Why don't you head upstairs to start dinner and I'll finish up down here?" He asks and I nod before running to the back and up the stairs.


We finished dinner and then Emmett and I sat in front of the fire reading an old copy of some dragon riding texbooks.  He couldn't read drake yet so I helped him figure out what the pages were saying.  My mind was racing as we read through the book and I didn't process a single word due to Emmett being so close to me.

"You seem distracted."  Peter drags me out of my mind and I look up at him.  Emmett stops reading and looks over at me.  I feel some color rise to my cheeks.

"Just thinking." I tell him as I avoid both of their eyes.  I look into the fire.  "When can we get out of here?  My dragon must be worried....."  The truth is, I have been communicating with her over the past couple days so she wasn't actually worried about me.

"Your father wants to come pick you up in three days time but I told him, you and Emmett will go to the Ice port and catch a boat to the Savage lands.  You will meet an old friend there and he will take you to your father."

"The savage lands do not seem pleasant." Emmett says.

"They are not but it is your best options."

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