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Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed my book so far and has asked for me to update.  It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that this book will not be continuing the way it has been going.  I am going to rewrite the first book and take a new path that will eventually meet up with this one but things will be changed.  Please understand that I want to show you more of Relaine that I had originally written and I really hope that you'll enjoy the new path as much as you did the old one. 

As of yet, there will be no new published chapters in this universe.  I am currently getting a bachelor's degree and have no free time to write.  I am still so thankful for all of your reads and comments.  

Feel free to give me ideas for the new draft and I will announce when draft 2 becomes available. 

Again thank you for this glorious ride.  I never thought this book would become popular or even become a second book.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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