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Third person POV:

The two sleek horses rode through the town as the light from the sun starts to peek past the mountains surrounding the city.  To many, the horses would not have been of much importance.  However, the three people riding them drew many eyes.  The Black horse held a teenage boy that many recognized as the blacksmith's son.  The grey horse held a man that few knew as Kietan or the boy who married Emily.  Emily was known as the most beautiful maiden in the entire kingdom and sadly the daughter of the blacksmith.

Now some would think that Emily was just visiting her father and brother and would soon be returning to the northern lands but one man knew that the girl behind Kietan was not Emily.  Emily died a couple months ago in childbirth to his grandson.  This man is Kietan's father whom Kietan hadn't talked to since he was a small boy.  

That being said, the man had no loyalties to his son and thus knew that he had to turn in the girl leaning lovingly against his son's back.  It had to be the runaway girl King Houston was after.  The reward would be great if he turned them in.


I leaned against Kietan's back until we were out of the city and were several miles away.  After that I slid off the horse and Emmett lifted me onto his.

"What you did not want to be with me?" Kietan teases as I put my arms around Emmett.  I stick my tongue out at him as we approach a large forest.  "Stay on alert, you two."  Kietan commands and I take one hand off of his waist and it snakes to the sword on my belt.

"Don't worry.  I would not let anything happen to you."  Emmett whispers as he puts a hand on the one remaining around him.  I feel color rise to my cheeks but thankfully he can't see it.  I can't let myself have feelings for my cousin.

"I noticed the engagement ring around your finger."  Kietan says and Emmett tenses up.  "Can I ask who is the lucky man?"  I wanted to tell him no and that is wasn't any of his business but I couldn't keep this from them.

"I'm engaged to Prince Alvar." I tell them and Emmett removes his hand from mine.  I sag defeated and I knew I shouldn't feel guilty about being engaged but it's hard when Emmett seems to have feelings for me.

"Do you love him?" Emmett asks after we ride in silence for an hour or so.  "Do you love him, Allura?"

"Yes I love him." I whisper and I feel Emmett speed up his horse to be next to Kietan's horse.  "Can we stop for a few minutes?"  Emmett asks and Kietan pulls his horse to the side of the path and into the dense forest.

Kietan gets off his horse and then helps me off of mine.  When his hands touch my waist to lift me to the ground, I have a feeling that he's done this before.  I see myself in a white dress and Kietan is dressed in what looks like a knight's armor.  I shake my head and the vision disappears.

"Are you alright?" Kietan asks as my feet touch the ground.  I nod afraid words would betray me.  

"I'll be back soon."  Emmett gets off his horse and heads into the woods.  My eyes follow him until I can't see him anymore.   Kietan watches me and then sighs when he sees what I was looking at.

"It is too bad you are already engaged.  Emmett would have made a good match for you." Kietan doesn't even look at me when he says this.  I watch him as he pulls out a loaf of bread from the satchel attached to his saddle and tears off a piece to hand it to me.

"But Emmett said we're cousins.  How could we marry if we're related?" I ask as I slowly nibble on the bread.

"You're not cousins.  Your mothers were good friends and they were so close it was like they were a family, but no there is no blood connecting you and Emmett."   My heart races in my chest and I have to silent it by looking at my engagement ring. "But like I said, you are already promised to another and Prince Alvar would be able to offer you more than Emmett could ever."

We sat there in silence eating bread until Emmett returns.  He came back with a filled canteen and a bandana filled with berries.  He doesn't ask about my fiance anymore and I know I shouldn't worry about my feelings for Emmett until it becomes a problem.

After twenty minutes, we are on the path again.  Riding faster this time as we try to make it to the next town before noon.  I held onto Emmett tightly as I thought about all the men I've fallen in love with since I found out I was apart of this prophecy.  I never was one to fall in love and now I've been engaged to one man broke that off, fell in love with another and now I'm engaged to him, and I'm falling in love with another one.  I really need to learn to stop falling for other people especially if I am engaged.

"Once we reach the sea, we'll get on a boat to the savage lands.  I will only be able to get you on the boat, after that I have other buisness to attend to."  Kietan tells us.

"What are we supposed to do once we get to the Savage lands?" Emmett asks before I can voice my concerns.  "Will her father meet us there?"  I could hear the worry in Emmett's voice.  Kietan does not respond.  "What are not telling us?" 

"Your father was captured last night by the Lisstarians.  That is why we had to get you out of there before he was forced to tell Prince Houston where you were hiding."  My heart stops.  I can't believe my father was captured and no one told me.

"I have to go back for him." I try to slide off of the horse but Emmett puts an arm around my waist.

"I cannot let you do that." Emmett whispers.  "We'll get him back and if not, then you have to make his death mean something."

"How am I supposed to make his death mean something when everyone keeps dying for me.  I'm not worth anyone's lives.  I'm just a sixteen year old girl and I'm tired of losing the ones I love."  I try to pull away but Kietan turns his horse around and pulls me onto his.  I'm sitting in front of him so I can't get away.

"Listen to me.  You are not going to throw away your life for the sake of maybe saving his.  I am going to deliver you to the other riders if it kills me."  Kietan looks angerily at me, and tears fall down my face.  "I understand that you are loyal to your friends and family but your life is worth all of ours.  We would die in order to protect you.  So don't believe that your life is not worth anything."  

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