"So how well do you know how to use a sword?" I ask Emmett as we get ready for bed. It isn't awkward between us because honestly, we're more like siblings than anything.
"You act like I am not a blacksmith's son." He teases and I grab the pillow off my bed and I throw it at him. "But yes I can use a sword pretty well but I am better at daggers than anything else." I nod adding to my store of information on him. "Can you use a sword, Allura?" He asks and I stop moving when I hear him use my real name.
"Yes and I can use a bow pretty well," I reply as I crawl into the large bed. The first couple nights, Emmett slept on the floor but the bed was big enough for the two of us and we had no romantic notions of each other, or at least we shouldn't since we're related.
"What are you think of?" Emmett asks as the bed dips with his added weight. I don't say anything as I turn to face him on the bed and he blows out the candle. The light from the moon washes the room in a soft white glow as we study each other.
"A lot of things. My life has changed so much over the past year. I never thought that it would end up with...." I couldn't say the words. I lost my best friend because of my foolish behavior. I couldn't bring her back. The mages said there is no way to bring people back from the dead.
"She's in a better place now. No one can hurt her there." Emmett strokes my hair gently and I move closer to him. "I'll protect you, Allura." He whispers into my hair as I fall asleep with him gently comforting me.
The snow kissed the ground around me as I glided through the meadow. It was deathly quiet as I searched the ground for any sign of my comrades. How could I let them get away from me so easily? I was supposed to be leading them......
My eyes find the scarlet before my mind can even regestir what it is. I run over there breaking the silence with my thundering footsteps.
"No this can't be happening!" I sob as I crumple next to the body. On further inspection, I find it to be Emmett's body. A cry rises up in m throat and I force it back down. "I'm sorry." I whisper to him as I stroke his face. A single tear falls down my face as I feel my magic swell up. I put both of my hands on his chest and I force my magic inside of him.
His eyes open and I pull away.
Someone was shaking me awake and I sit up quickly. My hair clings to the back of my neck as I try to calm my racing heart. What did that dream mean? Emmett sits next to me worriedly and I force a small smile.
"I am fine." I tell him as I slide out of bed. THe nightgown, I'm wearing feels constricting and the white reminds me of the blood in the dream.
"You are not fine, but you will not tell me about it so I will let it go." Emmett gets out of bed and crosses the room to hug me tightly. I lean against his chest as I fight down the tears. This cannot happen to him. I won't let anything happen to any more of my friends.
"Father pulled out a few of Emily's dresses for you." Emmett leads me over to an open chest and my heart aches. His sister wore these dresses and I can't take them away from them. "My father said you deserve to wear them, and Emily would be pleased to have a warrior wearing her old clothes."
"It doesn't feel right." I tell him but Emmett was already leaving the room. I pick up a simple grey dress and I decide that I will have to wear one of them. Peter's clothes are just too big for me and if we are leaving the shop, I can't keep looking like a blacksmith's daughter. "I am so sorry Emily......." I whisper.
The dress fit my slender frame perfectly and I managed to do the corset up on my own. I managed to find a few underthings to wear underneath and a pair of shoes to match the outfit. I glance in the trunk and I find a picture of Emily and her husband on top of a beautiful wedding dress. I finger the picture and I realize I am almost an exact replica of her.
I braid my hair down my back and I put a ribbon Emmett gave me on the bottom of the braid. I look in the small mirror and I feel like a different girl.
"Emily are you ready?" Emmett calls downstairs and I walk over to the staircase leading to the first floor. What will they say when they see me?
I descend the staircase and I see Peter, Emmett, and another man waiting for me. Peter's eyes fill up with tears when he sees me and the man looks saddened.
"I almost thought you were Emily for a moment." The new man said. "You look just like my wife." I study the man's face and I recognize it from the picture upstairs.
"I'm sorry about Emily." I tell him and he strides over to me and hugs me gently.
"You brought her back to life. Her dream was to see you." He says and I feel another expectation being added to my heavy load. "My name is Kietan, and I am at your service." He bows to me and I look at Emmett lost.
"You better get going. The guards are rumored to be searching houses today." Peter hugs his son before handing him a belt with three daggers and one long sword. Kietan hands me a sword that I recognize as mine and I feel the hilt warm wth my touch.
Kietan and Emmett leave me and Peter alone as we prepare to leave.
"Take care of my son for me, and I care about you like a daughter, Allura." He whispers my name but it is enough to give me the strength to start the dangerous journey. "Wait," Peter removes a ring off of his finger and hands it to me. "Show this to each of the riders you encounter. THey will listen to you after they see this."
I take the ring from his outstretched hand and I slip it on my finger. It automatically shifts to fit my finger size. I walk out the back door where Kietan lifts me up onto his horse and I put my arms around his waist.

Allura of the Dragons (On Hold)
МистикаIt's been six months since Allura had seen the lands outside her small secluded valley. Training progressed and her magic intensified. Little did she know that war was brewing in the lands and her life was going to be thrust into the middle of it...