We rode into town around dusk and I had a sinking feeling that we were being watched. Kietan eventually let me ride with Emmett again but only after several hours and my utter defeat in saving my father. It was hard admitting that my life was so valuable especially after I lost my best friend and the simple fact I keep causing people so much misery. How could one girl be worth all of this trouble? I still don't understand it but maybe someone will explain everything and stop only giving me small bits and pieces that make things hard to understand.
I kept thinking about this as we rode through the near empty streets. Emmett wasn't talking to me and I'm not exactly sure why. I mean is he feelig the same things I am or is worried about something? I won't be sure but I guess that's the best part about being with Emmett. I can't read him like a book and he seems to have a harder time reading me. Well at least I hope he does.
"Kietan?" A voice calls when we near the docks. Kietan dismounts his horse and draws a long sword from its sheath. "The pheonix flies high waiting for her mate." The voice says and Kietan puts his sword back up.
"Little does she know that it is right beside her." Kietan replies and a man wearing a dark cloak emerges. He is dressed like a musketeer and his dark black hair glints in the setting sun. Kietan and him embrace before they turn to Emmett and I.
"If I did not know better I would think you were Emily." The man says.
"I have been hearing that a lot over the past couple days." I say as the man offers me a hand and I get off the horse. Emmett dismounts next to me. "I would tell you my name but it still is not safe to say it in these lands. So for now, I am still Emily."
"I would not want to risk putting your life in danger. You mean a great deal to us. My name is Apollo." The man kisses the top of my hand and the ring Peter gave me gatchs the rising moon. "Be careful who sees that. Many have not forgotten that crest."
I pull my hand away and I hide it in the folds of my gown. Emmett stands protectively at my side and I move closer to him in the cold.
"The ship is ready to cast sail. I will see you again my brother." Apollo embraces Kietan before Kietan mounts his horse.
"Be safe and remember what I told you." I watch as Kietan rides away.
"The stars look so different here." I tell Apollo as we lean against the side of the ship. The waves lap up against the sides making me feel safer than I have since I left the valley. "I've never actually seen so many."
"This world must be very different from your one back home, Allura." He takes off his cloak and drapes it around my shivering shoulders. "But this world can be very rewarding for those of us with the blood."
"Rewarding and devestating at the same time. Will it be difficult to find the rest of the riders?" I ask trying to get my mind off of Melanie's burning body. I close my eyes trying to will away the tears.
"The rest of the riders will come once they hear the new generation has come of age. Not many of us had children who survived into adulthood. You were the only one who was guaranteed to make it to see sixteen years. Emmett was lucky enough to be raised by a father who lost his dragon therefore breaking his ties was easier than with any of us." I could hear the sadness in Apollo's voice.
"Did you lose a child?" I ask even though I had a feeling he did.
"Yes I had a daughter once. She was the most beautiful little girl but alas when the last dragon crusade happened, she was killed as collateral. My wife died shortly after and I was left searching for answers."
"And you assume I'm those answers?" I ask and I see him nod. "Please do not get your hopes up with me. I'm not the person everyone thinks I am." I tell him and he turns to face me. His dark brown eyes search my face.
"Child you may not know your destiny now, but soon everything will come to light and you'll rise from the ashes. You have been prophesized about by many species and you will realize that you are the one that we are all waiting for."
"A lot of expectations to put on a girl, Apollo." A new voice says and I hear a new dragon in my head. I whip around and I see a gorgeous forest green dragon landing on the deck. I smile as the voice floods my mind.
"William, it's nice to see you again." Apollo greets the new visitor as I approach the dragon. I'm mesmerized by its eyes and it bows his head to me. I bow to it and he allows me to approach.
"I see Fox has taken a liking to you, your majesty." William says as I stroke the dragon's head.
"I'm not a princess." I reply with a brieft glance at the man. He had a squarer face with a small amount of facial hair and piercing green eyes. I blushed when he studied me and I turned my attention back to the dragon.
"He doesn't speak english." William tells me and I look back at him confused. "If you were wondering why you could not speak to him.
I can understand you quiet fine, Moondancer. The dragon rubs his head agaisnt my hand. I can speak your tongue but William speaks Northern tongue much easier.
"I am pleased to meet you." I tell Fox and he laughs. His laugh sounds like old bells and William throws a dirty glare at me. "I don't think your rider likes me." I whisper to him.
No he is not pleased that you understand me, but you understand all dragons regardless of where we come from. Your blood connects us to you. Fox lifts a talon and points to my heart. Your heart is also pure so any animal may speak to you if you choose to listen.

Allura of the Dragons (On Hold)
ParanormalIt's been six months since Allura had seen the lands outside her small secluded valley. Training progressed and her magic intensified. Little did she know that war was brewing in the lands and her life was going to be thrust into the middle of it...