The Fruit of the Dragons

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I couldn't bare to part from Fox so I slept against his scaly body on the deck of the ship.  I feel asleep listening to Will and Apollo exchanging news and some of it interested me but my eyes were too heavy to keep them open.  I don't remember actually falling asleep but I did feel someone put another blanket on me in the middle of the night.

Fox gently woke me up with his northern tongue when the sun was cresting over the waves.  I rubbed my sleepy eyes before I sat up.  Emmett was standing over me and he offers me a hand up.  I take it willingly because my muscles were sore from sleeping against the dragon.

"Emily do you understand this dragon?" Emmett asks as he motions to Fox.  Fox studies us and I smile at him.

"Yes, I understand him perfectly.  Can you hear him in your head?" I ask but Emmett shakes his head slowly.  I take Emmett's hand comfortingly as he walks towards the sides of the ship.  "Fox offers his apologizes for not speaking english for you.  I can understand him becuase of the prophecy but..."

"It's not going to be as easy for me as it will be for you?"  Emmett asks and I squeeze his hand again.

"No it won't be easy for either of us.  You only have to be a dragon rider, but I have so many more responsiblities to learn before my lifetime is up."  I pull my hand away when Fox offers me a warning that Apollo was emerging from the captain's quarters.

"I see Emily has finally awoken." Apollo approaches us and hands me a weird fruit. "It's the fruit of the dragons.  Apparently it will help you understand the dragons over longer distances."  I look at the round purple and green fruit.  It looks like it's a cross between a kiwi and an apple.  It was furry on the outside but Fox assured me that the fur was edible.

I take a bite into it and I'm flooded with an exotic taste.  Nothing I have tasted in either worlds could describe this experiance.  The flesh of the fruit changed colors every couple of seconds and at first it was kind of weird but I loved the taste too much to let it get to me.

"I wouldn't eat too many of those if I were you, princess."  Will comes over as I nibble on the fruit.  "You will not be able to handle all the information the dragon's are speaking to you."

"I can handle it just fine." I mumble in dragon's speak.  Apollo smiles at me and Emmett looks confused.  I finish the fruit and I hear a familiar voice inside my head.

Allura, is that you?  Onyx warrior reaches out to me across the miles.  I'm here. I reply and I could hear his relieved sigh.  I will be coming to find you along with Purple Sun and a dragon for young Emmett when I get the chance.  Be careful until we can reunite.  

"Emily?"  William stares at me as I shake my head trying to remember how to speak english again.

"Sorry, I was talking to my father's dragon."  I tell them and I feel a scaly head nudge my arm.  I put a hand on Fox's head as I try to calm my racing heart.

"Your father still has a dragon?"  Apollo asks with a confused stare at me.  "I swore he lost his dragon during the last crusade when your mother was killed."

"I thought my mother was killed in childbirth?" I ask angerily.

"When will the dragons be here?"  William asks changing the subject and I throw him a dirty glare.  What aren't they telling me?  I should be used to beign only told half-truths these days.  "Emily?"  But my mind is already gone again.  This time I'm in a new dragon's mind and it was a dark place to be.  I could feel blood dripping from a couple wounds on my back and I could hear a weird language in the background.  The dragon snarls.


William's POV:

I watched as Allura was separated from her body.  THe dragon's gifted me with the fourth sight and I could see when she was out of her mind and talking to other dragons.  However, her soul did not return like it should have, and I watched as her body started to fall towards the ground.

"Catch her before...." I shout urgently and thankfully Emmett caught her in his arms and he lowered his body to the ground.  "Is she still breathing?" I demand as Apollo kneels next to the two youngsters.  Apollo nods and I exchange worried glances with Fox.

Something is not right.  Fox tells me and I look with my fourth sight again.  Slowly Allura's soul returns to her body but Allura does not regain consciousness.  Instead she lays a lifeless heap on Emmett's lap.  I have not seen this kind of magic in centuries, not since Fire one was masaccred. 

"We need to return her to the homeland before it is too late."  Apollo looks up at me urgently as he sees the mark of darkness apear on Allura's wrist.  Like the magic, the mark disappeared long ago before the last dragon crusades.  But if it has returned, it will threaten Allura's lifeline.

"I will take her there.  Meet us there when you arrive at the savage lands." I kneel down to pick up her body but Emmett puts an arm over her protectivly.

"How do I know you are not going to kill her?" He demands and I see a brief glance of his true feelings for the girl.  Apollo consules the boy as I slip Allura's body onto my dragon.  Fox seems distressed at Allura's predicament and I have a small amount of hatred for the girl.  Fox never spoke to anyone before he met me and then this girl appears and takes over his affections.  However, I would not wish this fate on anyone, especially someone as important as Allura.

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