Chapter 9: Intentions

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Katherine's POV

Mother and Father have been concerned for the fact that we have three new vampires invading Forks. Leaving bodies of humans in their path. With Charlie hot on their trail, Mother feared that they will expose the secrets that the Cullens worked so hard to keep. Bella has been keeping me up to date with Charlie's manhunt, so far we know, the vampires are heading East. But, I don't think they were done yet with Forks.

For now, we had to focus on being human while in the shadows we hunted for the vampires. Bella was nice enough to invite me and the rest for dinner at the restaurant with her father. Maybe I could ask Charlie questions about the hunt.

Cin, Oriel, and Dax rode in the back while I rode in the front with Bella. As we pulled into the parking lot, I could see Mike and his friends acting silly as they played. It was funny seeing his face light up when Bella got out of the truck. Bella and I keep pushing Mike to Jessica, but Mike is fighting to gain Bella's attention. Hope Edward won't do anything rash.

"Arizona! Chicago! Yo, what's happening?" Mike greets us all.

"Hey, Mike." Bella gives him a polite smile and I give him a wave.

"Hey, dude." Cin greets him with a bro hug, same with Dax. Oriel didn't really like Mike that much, ever since he constantly flirted with her in front of Jessica. Now, Jessica and Britney are spreading rumors about her around school.

Suddenly, Mike had a sullen look, but had a bitter smile, trying to play it cool, but obviously, he was extremely bothered, "So... You guys and the Cullens, huh?"

Bella and I blush and nod while Dax had a huge grin on his face.

"That's....I don't like it, I mean...they looks at you two like you're something to eat." He stutters. "You two should be careful, at least. Who knows, they could be killers. They're all weirdos after all."

Dax's grin fades into a frown, "Dude, that's my girlfriend and her family you're talking about." He growls a little and gets into Mike's face.

Mike looked like he was going to piss himself, so I got in between them and push Dax away, "Down, batman." I whisper.

"Mike, thanks for the advice, but we didn't really need it." Bella says and heads in with us.

I hear Cin and Oriel snicker, "Burn!" They say in unison and burst into laughter as they head in with us.

Bella spots Charlie sitting in his usual table and we all head over there to sit with him.

"I'm sorry we're late. Biology Projects." She says.

"It's ok. Hey, guys." Charlie greets us with a small smile. His eyes carried bags, he seemed so exhausted. Possibly from the hunt he's been leading.

"Hey, Charlie." I give him a hug and gives me one in return.

Dax gives him a bro hug.

Charlie sends us a smile, but frowns at Cin, "Cin." He mutters.

"What's up, Chief? You're not still mad at me are ya?" He gives him an innocent smile.

The reason why Cin is on Charlie's bad side is because Cin thought it was funny to TP the police station and hang underwear on the flag poles for April Fool's. What really made him mad is when Charlie tried to open his mailbox and had a shaving cream bomb exploding in his face. Cin was arrested for destruction of public property, but let go with a warning since it was just a harmless prank and no one got hurt.

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