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Clarke awoke next to her beautiful girlfriend, whom she loved dearly. Whom she couldn't tell people about. She smiled at the slightly snoring girl and moved to wake her. They'd be late for set and that was something Lexa couldn't afford to do, now that she was executive producer to her own show and not just the writer.

She scratched behind her girlfriends ear to wake her, and she tossed and turned.

This is how every morning went. Lexa snuck into bed with Clarke late after working on the sequel to her first book, Clarke cuddles into her girlfriend and 2-3 hours later Clarke wakes Lexa up.

"I'm awake" the green eyed girl mumbled and her hands found her face, she stretched and swung her feet over to the side of the bed, almost like clockwork she kissed Clarke and stood up heading towards the bathroom.

They'd become a pattern. Lexa would brush her teeth, comb her hair, get dressed and by the time she exited the bathroom Clarke was gone. On her way to her own home, to get ready. It wasn't the healthiest thing in the world. But it's what they'd fallen into after lexa made it clear she didn't want to go public.

But something changed that morning. Lexa stepped out of the bathroom, buttoning up we shirt and Clarke was staring at the TV, mouth open in shock. A story was running on E news. Pictures of her and Bellamy Blake passed by and a brief interview with one of her cast mates played.

"So what exactly is happening on set between Clarke and Bellamy?" The interviewer asked Jasper Jordan.
Jasper chucked nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't know if I can say anything, but they're definitely friendly" Jasper laughed.
More pictures flicked by in the background. "So you're saying, there is something.. You just can't talk about it" the interviewer dug deeper. Jasper shook his head "no that's- no I don't mean-"

"You heard it here first.. Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake.. Co-stars or lovers?.. Apparently both"

Lexa loosened her grip on her shirt, realizing she was clutching it pretty hard in anger. Looking down she saw it was wrinkled and walked back into the bathroom to change.

"Lex?" Clarke shook off the shock and called out for her girlfriend.

Lexa didn't answer. She unbuttoned her black skinny jeans and ripped out the white button down that was tucked in. Reaching for a black shirt similar to the one she wore before she placed it on her shoulders and walked out of her bathroom.

Her hands were shaking and they didn't let her button her shirt. Clarke saw this, and rose from the bed, replacing Lexa's hands with her own. "You know nothing's going on.. Right lex?" Clarke asked as she buttoned up her girlfriends shirt. Lexa nodded softly. But the anger she felt, seeing Clarke with Bellamy in all those pictures and it being able to clarify Clarke was hers.. It did something to her.

"I know, it doesn't change the fact that it makes my blood boil" she whispered slightly. Clarke finished with the buttons and smoothed the front of her shirt down.

"I'm yours, it's up to you who knows it" Clarke turned around. Looking for her pants, she bent down.

Lexa plopped down on the spot Clarke previously occupied. "You know I can't do that Clarke.. They'll know" she put her head on her hands.

"Yeah, yeah.. they'll know you blame yourself for your ex girlfriends death. They'll know your book isn't as fiction as you claim it is.. Got it" Clarke rolled her eyes and slipped on a random pair of Lexa's shoes.

"Babe-" Lexa sat up, hoping to catch the girl, but she swerved her hug, and walked out of the room.

"See you at set, Lexa" she heard just before the door slammed.

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